Thursday, February 5, 2009

Don't Windex in the Rain

I don't suggest Windexing in the kinda defeats the purpose. But really, the sliding glass door had been bugging me like crazy (as the rain and wind poured down) I Windexed it.

Before the rain arrived I spent a glorious 45 minutes at Les Schwab. Dennis had to jump my car this morning....turns out I had the inside car light in the "on" position instead of "door." I had messed with it a few days ago, so it took a while to drain the wonder it started funny yesterday!

1 comment:

Nancy Bergenske said...

Wow! You've been blogging a lot lately! I love all the pics of C and hope you are having a good week. Just to prove I read all the updates,not to be snarky and rude, you put that you were rooting for the "Ravens" in your Super bowl post. Whoops! Hee Hee! Miss you...