Poor Caitlin has caught her daddy's cold :( Last night her fever hit 102.1 with a stuffy nose and a dry cough. She's sleeping right now after another round of Tylenol and I hope her fever doesn't come back. The good thing is she's pretty smiley which makes everything a whole lot easier to handle. Although Dennis is getting better, he still feels crummy....and now his cold has moved into his chest giving him a horrible cough that makes his lungs feel like they're on fire. Poor babies!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sick Baby
Poor Caitlin has caught her daddy's cold :( Last night her fever hit 102.1 with a stuffy nose and a dry cough. She's sleeping right now after another round of Tylenol and I hope her fever doesn't come back. The good thing is she's pretty smiley which makes everything a whole lot easier to handle. Although Dennis is getting better, he still feels crummy....and now his cold has moved into his chest giving him a horrible cough that makes his lungs feel like they're on fire. Poor babies!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
So Dennis's cold has gotten much worse.....so bad that I had to take Caitlin to daycare....for the first time!!!! We weren't scheduled to start daycare until March 9th, but thankfully I got the thumbs up to bring her this morning otherwise I would have had to take a non-paid day off....yuck! Anyway, I was totally fine until I walked out the door after dropping her off. I pretty much had crocodile tears for the next 20 minutes while I drove to school. But once school started I was able to refocus my energy to teaching which kept my mind off of Caitlin. I was very relieved when I called before lunch to hear that she was having a good day. She wouldn't eat she was happily playing on the play gym. Then when I picked her up she was perfectly content sucking her thumb in her pack 'n play....super adorable!!!! It is the absolute best part of my day when I get to see her after a long day of work. I just can't kiss or hug her enough!!!!
Dennis is still not feeling well, so Caitlin may have to go to daycare again. Thankfully, I love my daycare and know she's well taken care of, so it makes it much easier to leave her all day.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Back to Work
As I wrote in my last blog, J, K, B-man, and Miss M came over this weekend. We had a blast and found ourselves at the beach in the pouring down rain. It was an experience to say the least! Brady loved it and screamed and screamed in delight at the waves and all the surfers! Unfortunately Dennis came down with a cold last night and we think our rainy adventure is to blame. :( I'm hoping he'll feel better soon now that he has some chicken soup in him.
Happy Fat Tuesday!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Out of Shape
Today Caitlin and I went for a walk with Nancy and Pepper. It was a lovely day with quite a bit of sunshine....but man I'm outta shape! I was done after one lap around the neighborhood! Pepper was quite disappointed...I'm sorry Pepper, I'll try for two laps next time. :)
GUESS WHAT!!!! Jonathan, Kelly, Brady, and Maddie came over!!!! They were going to come over next weekend, but decided to take advantage of the decent weather and head on over!!!!!! Very super exciting!!!!!
Happy Weekend!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Level Headed
Caitlin can now keep her head level with her shoulders when lifted from a laying down position!!!! I can't believe how strong her little neck is getting everyday! She can do mini push ups and they are so adorable!!!
Yesterday we went to sushi with some friends and Caitlin was so chill the whole time! It was only the second time I've eaten in a restaurant with her. I'm always afraid she's going to throw a screaming fit....but really, she never does that at home so I don't know why I'm all concerned about it.....silly me.
Well, I'm off to re register for our online phone account for the 100th time! I've had it reset and had a new password sent to me but it's still not working!!!! I think I'm gonna have to make another call today....I'll be nice, I promise :)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Our Little Thumbsucker
Monday, February 16, 2009
1 Precious Week Left
In one week I return to work. I've put off thinking about it as long as possible, but now the countdown has really begun. Dennis will be staying home with Caitlin for the first two weeks I'm back at work...this will be a nice transition for me and wonderful bonding time for them. Then on March 9th (Brady's 2nd birthday) Caitlin starts daycare! I'm still working out the time table to get ready for work in the mornings...the trial run last Thursday was good and it looks like I won't have to get up as early as I thought....woo hoo!!! Thankfully, my work is very understanding and I always schedule in extra time "to get lost" as I refer to it.
Oooo, I made homemade mac and cheese tonight and I used fontina cheese for the first time.....it added such wonderful depth! Plus, I experiemented and made white nectarine and coconut fried chicken fingers....mmmmmm.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
How sweet it is!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Like many women, I LOVE chocolate and within the past several years have grown quite fond of dark chocolate. In fact, you could say that dark chocolate is my favorite. But when it comes to ice cream....I just don't like it. Chocolate ice cream is probably my least favorite ice cream besides spumoni (really who likes that flavor anyway?). I cam to this conclusion just last night while eating a bowl of chocolate ice cream with a marshmallow swirl and chocolate covered peanuts. It was good but I just didn't find it fabulous....so me being me, I started to analyze why. A few hours later I concluded that it must be the chocolate ice cream. I find it so odd that I love chocolate but I don't care for chocolate ice cream.....I guess it's kinda like people who like tomatoes but don't like ketchup.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Ping Pong
Friday, February 6, 2009
Look Who's Talking
Before you watch the cutest thing ever....I must correct myself....LOL During the Super Bowl I was rooting for the Cardinals and not the Ravens as they were not playing...obviously.....but mommy brain took over as I was blogging and that is how the other bird team popped into my little brain. Dennis made me aware of the bird error, but I forgot (again blame mommy brain) to let everybody know I did know it was the Cardinals, I just wrote down the wrong team :) For some reason, I find this whole thing quite amusing....not sure why....it's just football and a couple of birds! :)
Now, the best video ever!!!
Now, the best video ever!!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Don't Windex in the Rain
I don't suggest Windexing in the rain....it kinda defeats the purpose. But really, the sliding glass door had been bugging me like crazy lately....so (as the rain and wind poured down) I Windexed it.
Before the rain arrived I spent a glorious 45 minutes at Les Schwab. Dennis had to jump my car this morning....turns out I had the inside car light in the "on" position instead of "door." I had messed with it a few days ago, so it took a while to drain the battery....no wonder it started funny yesterday!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
3 Months
I can't believe our little one is 3 months already!!! I can't believe what a morning person she has become. She's so happy playing on her gym that I'm afraid she's gonna knock one of her toys off with all her wiggling around. She's also trying to laugh more and more each day. Many times it comes out as a high pitch squeal or little yelp....super adorable!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Groundhog Day
That movie is so hilarious! I suggest everyone watch it at least once a year! That's what Dennis, Caitlin, and I did last night. Caitlin slept for the first half hour, but watched the last hour with us. You just gotta love Bill Murray....I know we do! I also love him in Lost in Translation and What About Bob. Great, great flicks!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy Anniversary!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
And the trophy goes to....
I have to say I was rooting for the Ravens, mostly because they were the underdogs....and I actually thought they were going to win until that one guy made a game winning catch in the end zone.....but good thing he made that catch since he missed the one before. Anyway, we enjoyed the game and the commercials and I especially like the E-Trade commercials with that baby....he's getting so big and adorable! Dennis made pizza for dinner. Actually, he made the crust (from scratch) and prepped all the toppings....all I had to do was put my stuff on. He had veggie and I made a BBQ chicken, but I was totally bummed because I didn't have any pineapple! Pineapple just makes everything better....kinda like cupcakes (but not on that grand of scale).
P. S. --In the photos above, Caitlin is sporting a fabulous knit hat made by my lovely friend Jenai. It's super cute and I LOVE that it's black!....with specks of orange and pink and green!
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