Thursday, December 2, 2010

Going for Walks

That is what I call it instead of "exercise." Dancing with Caitlin also falls under that category. I figure if I just try to go for a walk when ever I can and dance with Caitlin on the days it rains, I will actually be exercising without thinking I'm actually exercising. Okay, I know it sounds crazy, but it's the only way I can trick myself into sticking with it. I am not an exercise person, nor a walker, jogger, and definitely not a runner. I need to do what ever I can (trick my mind, yes) to get moving (i.e. exercise) so I can get rid of my baby weight and all the extra desserts I've been consuming since I have this horrible addiction to baking. So far this whole mind game seems to be working. I've actually been going for walks for the past month and a half (or so) for 30 minutes 2-4 times a week! And since I'm carrying around an extra 17 pounds on me with Colton in the front pack, it's quite a work out! I've had to add the dancing with Caitlin since it has started to rain. I imagine it would be quite hilarious to watch us with our little dance routine. Caitlin certainly seems to like it though as she tries to imitate all the moves with me.

So here's hoping I can stick with Going for Walks and Dancing with Caitlin for a while!


Life According to Kate said...

Kate loves having "dance parties" too! I'm feeling like an "exercise session" may be in order over xnas!

Nancy Bergenske said...

Stick with it! Maybe by this time next year we'll have you in boot camp! And you're very welcome for the picture. I had lots of fun making it!

Laurie said...

Good for you Cindy! I wish I had some sort of routine to do that too! Keep it up!