1. Caitlin woke up an hour early and didn't go back to sleep.
2. The itching in my hands and feet came back this morning with vengeance!
3. I shattered a glass on the kitchen floor.
4. After sweeping up the shards, I realized I desperately needed to wash the rugs....so I did.
5. Then realized that the whole kitchen needed to be swept.
6. THEN was horrified at what was left on the floor and decided to mop.
7. Ate a bagel w/ cream cheese to ward off a sugar low.
8. Discovered that the caffeine free orange soda I've been drinking contains CAFFEINE!! Poor Tater!
9. Dropped an unopened can of soda on the floor that EXPLODED EVERYWHERE on my newly mopped floor!
10.. Cleaned up soda spray in practically every square inch of my kitchen!
11. Suffered a sugar low...apparently I ate the bagel a bit too late....drat!
After all of this and a phone call to a friend, I decided that Caitlin and I needed to get out of the house ASAP! So we headed down to Ferndale to hang out with some friends. And I'm so glad we did! I desperately needed to get out of the house after my morning and it was really nice to socialize with some great girlfriends. Unfortunately, Caitlin's nap suffered and she only slept for 20 minutes on the way home and was WIDE awake by the time I shut her bedroom door. Thus, she was a bit sensitive this evening and FINALLY went to sleep around 9:15! I'm hoping she'll sleep through the night and not get up at a crazy hour again!
Thank goodness there are only 118 minutes left until tomorrow!
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