Only 3 more days until my induction!!!!! Having a scheduled induction is very odd. My anxiety level is way up there compared to not knowing when and where I'll go into labor. It's all very exciting. And this being my second labor, I keep wondering what it's going to be like. Last time I psyched myself out thinking it was going to be very long and painful.....but it was the complete opposite. I'm trying to do the same this time, but I keep on thinking about my first labor and hope it goes very similar.....which means that it'll probably be the exact opposite of what I hope! LOL! I had my last NST today and it was nothing new. The baby is doing great and I'm having contractions.....not enough to put me into full blown labor or for them to keep me since I'm not dilating or anything. My last doctor appointment is on Wednesday and then Thursday after dinner, we head to the hospital!!!!
Caitlin seems to be handling this all very well so far.....actually, I don't really think she has a clue on what's going on. I'm hoping she'll be helpful and mothering like I've see her at daycare and with all her stuffed animals....we'll see! And as you can tell from the picture above, she's very much into the potty right now. This is the second roll of toilet paper she has destroyed. The first one barely counts since there was only about 5 squares left on it. Thankfully, she wants to sit on the potty as much as possible and 30% of the time (or more) she actually goes pee! Very exciting! But we're taking it really slow and won't really step things up until we all get settled in with the baby.
Woohoo!!! Can't wait to meet that baby!
How exciting! When I had Liam, Acacia wouldn't look at him or talk to me while we were at the hospital. LOL After we were home she was her same old silly self. I'm sure everything will be fine. Good luck and I can't wait to see pictures!
So excited to meet Tater! Caitlyn will love him!! Isn't this weather crazy? I try to appreciate it, but it's hard when you have 25 9-10 year olds melting right before your eyes!! Thanks for the shout out. :-)
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