Our little man entered the world after 4 short hours of labor on Thursday, August 26th at 11:49am. He weighed 8lbs 7oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. As my last post indicated, I was induced Wednesday night and expected to have him sometime in the late afternoon, early evening....similar to Caitlin. Well, there is something to be said about the second time around and the body's ability to remember how things go! Around 5am I was having contractions that were 3-4 minutes apart. They were intense, but I could definitely talk through them. That pattern didn't last long and pretty soon my contractions died down to practically nothing. Around 8:30-9am they hooked me up to Pitocin and I began walking the halls around 10am. I was 2cm around 10:30ish so my doctor broke my water to speed things up. Before this, my contractions were totally no problem, but once my water broke, I entered a whole new world! My plan was to get up and walk again, but my contractions became much stronger and closer together than I had anticipated.....so I decided staying in bed was my best option. Around 11:15am I was 3-4cm and requested my epidural because my contractions were becoming REALLY painful REALLY quickly so I didn't want to miss my window of opportunity. Well, turns out my body had other plans! Laying on my back was no longer a comfortable, so I changed positions and then my contractions and pain exploded into something I had never felt with Caitlin and was not prepared for. Then I had a contraction that didn't go away and soon discovered I was a screamer. That was something I desperately wanted to control, but my body (or vocal chords rather) would not let me. Things were changing and it was all very weird....which is what I kept repeated because it was such a weird/strange feeling. After laying back down the nurse checked me and then got the doctor. The doctor checked me and said it was time to push. Quietly, "Oh, sh**" was my reaction because I realized I was going to have to do this WITHOUT an epidural!!! A bit of panic set in wondering if I could actually deliver naturally. That was quickly wiped away by reality! They moved me into position while my doctor QUICKLY dressed and the nurses stood ready to catch Colton if I delivered him before the doctor was ready. And TWO pushes later, he was out! Yes, in just 35 short minutes, I went from 3-4cm to delivery!.....without any meds!
As crazy quick as my labor and delivery was, my recovery has been even quicker and much less painful than with Caitlin. We got home around noon on Friday and it was been so nice. My wonderful sister had been staying with us and helping out in so many ways! Thank you Brenda!!!!!! After an awesome night of sleep for everyone, we enjoyed spending time together today as a perfect family. Caitlin has taken to Colton quite well and is all too willing to give him kisses. She definitely wants to help out and be with us in any way possible.
I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful family. It's so fulfilling and I feel so complete as a person. Thank you to everyone who has called, stopped by, or sent well wishes. We really appreciate your kindness and generosity.