I guess the last several days have gotten away from me and I forgot to blog. We didn't do anything super exciting for New Year's but we did have Chinese for dinner....at an actual restaurant! It was quite interesting to say the least. Caitlin made a HUGE mess....we're talking noodles, rice, and baby food EVERYWHERE!!! And she surely had fun doing it too! Needless to say, our waitress got a pretty good tip for the disaster we left behind. The next day Caitlin decided to stand up by herself.....only for a few seconds though. We were watching Star Trek while she was playing with a cardboard box and then we both looked over to see her standing there.....without holding on to or leaning against anything! Woo hoo! It may have bee a freak occurrence because we haven't seen her do it since. Then on the 2nd we noticed her starting to walk on her knees. I guess this is her stepping stone to walking and it's quite funny to watch. Caitlin is also really working hard on her 12th tooth and she's not to thrilled about it. It's her bottom right incisor that's causing the problem. I'm hoping it'll break through in the next day or so.
Well, it's back to work tomorrow after a WONDERFUL two week vacation. I wish I could say I'm ready to go back, but I'm not. It just means that I'm that much closer (running out of time) until the GATE Academy and an observation of a lesson from my principal.....I seriously hope I don't hyperventilate during that one!
1 comment:
It sure is difficult getting in the swing of things again, so I am procrastinating doing my work and I am puttering around on the web. You need to stop worrying about the observation, though.... You are fabulous! Just be your fabulous self!
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