I thought my precious linen closet was safe. Well, it's safe no more. We've caught Caitlin twice now trying to take all the towels and sheets out of the closet. Tonight, she had a big stack of hand towels and was trying to make her way down the hallway with them. By the time she reached the end of the hall, she only had about 2 left. It was like a Hansel and Gretel trail of towels! I need to find a way to resolve her interest in my linen closet. My linen closet is my domain. Certain towels are folded certain ways and their is a specific order for things.....even Dennis doesn't put the towels away! I've tried locks on the doors but they didn't fit! Hmmmm, I need to think about this one.
Tonight as I was making lunches for tomorrow, I was putting some pickles in a bag and decided to have one....well, one turned into five more! I forgot how good pickles tasted! Even Caitlin likes pickles. She tried them today and I was kinda surprised to see her want more....crazy girl! She's also been into strawberries and tomatoes a LOT! Lettuce is okay, but it gags her out a bit sometimes.
Pickles are the greatest! We all love them...we have them for snack a lot :-)
LOL... We have a similar hallway situation. We rigged up a strap with a clip (the kind like from shopping carts). That stopped Sean... ;)
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