Since it has been FOREVER since I've blogged, I should bring everyone up to date. On Friday, Caitlin turned 13 months old! She has 10 teeth now and 2 more are just waiting to pop through. She's really into pushing her car or little people bus all over the house and has graduated to a hard spout sippy cup. We changed her sippy cups because she discovered she could push the spout down on the floor and milk would come pouring out! And that really didn't work for me, thus the graduation to a hard spout cup. We decided to put up our Christmas tree this year and so far (even with the lights) Caitlin doesn't seem too interested in it. The presents will not go underneath of it however. As much as she loved opening her birthday gifts, I'm afraid she'd think ALL the presents were for her to rip open!
On Friday, Dennis informed me that I needed to make cinnamon rolls for him to take to work on Monday.....but I needed to make a test batch first (he noted) because I hadn't made them in quite some time and he wanted to make sure he liked the recipe I used. Well, I over cooked them a bit and they didn't taste the same as he remembered. I thought he had said the same thing the last few times I made them and then realized what recipe he was talking about. About 10 years ago I had a cinnamon roll recipe that called for oats and honey. It was SOOOO good and came out great every time. Well, we had moved and I lost that recipe. I looked for it forever and never found it. I originally clipped it out of some coupon insert thingy and I tried going online to find it, but never could. So needless to say, he's come to terms with the fact that I can't recreate the AWESOME cinnamon rolls....although, I think I may begin a new search for that recipe.
Oh, and next week I have a craft fair so this weekend (because I procrastinate horribly) I've been trying to crank out as many items as I can. I'm making these fold out scrapbooks and photo/journal books. Plus, I'm selling purses and scarves my mom crocheted.
Off to watch Dexter!
Acacia wasn't that interesting in the tree at that age either. She loves to look at the lights and decorations now thought...its cute.
Hope all is well.
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