Sunday, June 14, 2009


Well, Dennis only lasted an hour camping out with us. Mainly it was because he was afraid he was going to squish Caitlin. Our blow up mattress is only a Full and we are use to a Queen. However, Caitlin and I got through the whole night and it wasn't that bad. The hardest part was nursing because I didn't have anything to lean against. We're looking into a separate mattress for Dennis so he'll be more comfortable.

When I woke up this morning I was SUPER tired but thought I should get up anyway since it was 7:30. Well, Caitlin and I went into wake up Dennis and he asked me why I didn't try and put her back to sleep. Confused by his question, I just responded with "Well, she's awake now." So we all got up, made some coffee, and had some cereal. Then as I was getting everything together to take a shower, I looked at my watch and it said 7:35. I had to look at it several times and then look at a different clock to make sure mine was working okay....and it was. Then it dawned on me why I was so tired and why Dennis had asked me that.....I woke up at 6:30!!!!!!!!! The really sad this is, that happens to me more often than not when I check the time sans glasses. Thankfully, I was able to take a nap while Caitlin napped!

Well, it's time to go. Dennis is getting ready to shampoo the carpets.

1 comment:

Nancy Bergenske said...

I am glad you had a good camp "out". How do you like the book so far? I am sorry you got up so early. I slept in until 10:10. It was a record sleep!