Thursday, February 17, 2011

Two Weeks

When can you say a child is potty trained? Is it when they can go all day using the potty or when they stop needing to use a pull up during their sleep as well? Maybe it's a combination. Either way, I'd say Caitlin is mostly potty trained. Today marks two weeks that Caitlin has been consistently using the potty during the day. And for about a week now, she's been waking up dry from her nap. I am still in awe at how well she's doing and how NOT stressful it has been. It's funny, there are quite a few books on potty training and how to potty train in one day or a weekend, but there is something to be said for taking your time. When I was in college I watched a little girl during her potty training stage. Her parents had read one of those books and used some of the listed strategies. It was the most stressful week watching her....ever! And, it just didn't work. It seemed the whole family, including the little girl, was stressed out by the venture. So after that first week, things slowed WAY down and she eventually went back to diapers. Having this only experience with potty training, I was a bit nervous about how to go about training Caitlin.

We started in the simplest way when Caitlin was almost a year and a half by putting her on the potty before her nightly bath. Dennis and I have had the mentality, when ever she's potty trained, she's potty trained. We never had a specific date we were shooting for, but took things day by day. The hardest part was for me to take the leap to switch her from pull-ups to panties during the day. Once that happened, BAM, she got it within a few days. Then she became more consistent and started telling US that she had to go!

We are so proud of her......and so excited for her! In fact, we ventured out of the house on Tuesday without a diaper or pull-up on! It was a very quick trip, but a HUGE first for us. If she continues to wake up dry from her nap, I may just put her down without a pull-up! And of course, I will keep you all updated on her progress.


Crystal said...

Yay for using the potty :)
When Acacia was in that stage I just let her wear panties and brought a change of clothes and a disposable changing mat (just in case the carseat got wet) and she only had one time I had to change her clothes and luckly it was at grandmas. I agree with you...take it slow. The only time I "forced" Acacia to use the potty is after I had Liam and she started showing out to get attention. But she was already potty trained. I just had to remind her that it was not okay.
Glad everything is going well. Miss your posts...glad your getting some time to get back to blogging ;~)

Laurie said...

Way to go Caitlin!! I agree, just pack some extra clothes, and you probably already have baby wipes with you for a quick refresher.

Jenai said...

YAY Caitlin!!!! :D I remember your... previous experience... that whole affair make me nervous as well (with Sean). Along with what you did, we finally just held our breath and let Sean go nekkid for a day... and it worked! He slipped back about a week after... and then he went nekkid again. He only wet his (or, should I say... our?) bed once! It's amazing how easily it can go at the right time. :D
