Touchdown! Caitlin and I were a bit under the weather on Superbowl Sunday, but we made the most of it. We layed around the house and I made sliders for dinner. The first touchdown of the game, struck the pose above, which had us laughing quite hysterically. The next day she actually did the same thing when they were replaying the first TD of the game....uuber funny. Anyway, we danced our way through the half time performance of the Black Eyed Peas (as we are all big fans) and Colton found himself in a box sometime around the end of the game.....although, I think Dennis may have had something to do with that. Colton seemed to enjoy the box because he certainly wasn't making any effort or complaining to get out.

Most every morning I find Caitlin covering up Colton with her blanket. This is a HUGE deal because she LOVES this blanket (I can't even pretend to use it). On this particular morning, during tummy time, Caitlin decided to join her brother....wild hair and all.

And while I type Colton is happily snoozing on the couch beside me and Dennis and Caitlin are napping in her room. And in about 17 minutes, I'm going to have to put an end to their nap party.
Oh, and tonights dinner.....PULLED PORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!
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