Again, this is a bit late. I finally managed to upload photos on the main computer and the laptop. It's been a while! Colton is growing like a weed! He's really trying to crawl, but can't quite figure it out. When his knees go up, his face goes into the carpet and when he straightens his arms, his little knees go flat. It's quite funny to watch. Caitlin still loves him a LOT and I'm surprised he doesn't have more to say about this since most of her loving involves squishing him in some sort of way.....which I can't blame her because he's so squishable!
Colton's first bite of food....squash! He didn't necessarily like the squash, but he liked the eating part. We have since tried applesauce, pears, peas, and peaches. He eats the ENTIRE jar without hesitation and acts like he really wants more! So far, I'm keeping him to one jar for a while.
The other day I walked in the living room to find Caitlin reading Colton a story. You couldn't understand a word she was saying, but she was definitely telling him a story and turning the pages as well. Super adorable.
Oh, and last night Caitlin and I did a puzzle together and she matched all the colors up without me all!!! Dennis and I couldn't believe it! We're so proud! Oh, and potty training has been going exceptionally well. The only time we've had to change a diaper in the last 5 days is after she wakes up. And yesterday, I got her a special magazine to read while on the potty! It's a National Geographic for little kids! It's about 6" by 6" and has thicker pages than a normal magazine. The photos are beautiful and it has fun rhyming and sound games! I'm definitely going to have to get a subscription!
Happy 5 month Bday to Colton! His expression with the squash is priceless!! Love your blog background also... don't get to see that on the email version!
What a sweet sister! Can't believe he's trying to crawl already!
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