Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year's

Dennis had a friend over for New Year's eve to watch the Lord of the
Rings trilogy.....and apparently, Caitlin really wanted to watch it
too because she didn't go to bed until 6am!!! We tried to let her cry
it out several times and laid down with her, but she did not want to
sleep (at least by herself). So, she stayed up with Dennis and his
friend watching movies. I guess she didn't play around or
anything....just sat there and watched. Then around 6am, she crawled
into Dennis's lap and fell asleep. I, on the other hand, stayed up
watching SATC and The Nanny and soon fell asleep around 1am. Colton
rang in the New Year by nursing. Fun was had by all.

Back in November, I thought of my New Year's resolution and couldn't
wait to start it. Every month I will be writing a letter (an actual
snail mail letter) to someone I haven't spoken to or seen in a while.
I really miss getting hand written mail and I thought if I did, there
are probably others out there too. If I plan out each person every
month in advance, I think I will be able to keep my resolution. Wish
me luck!


Laurie said...

That sounds like a resolution you can have fun with Cindy! Love the new star backround.

Nancy Bergenske said...

I love your new email notification thingy... but now I don't come over here as often to leave a comment!! Thanks for letting me babysit last night! It was fun. :-)