Since I cannot remember what I wanted to post, I have some random fun facts. Just before Christmas, Colton rolled over for the first time! He has also been trying to roll over while I'm holding him on the couch! He is such a wiggler! I know he's going to take off running as soon as he can. He also has started inching his way forward. I left him on his tummy in the middle of the livingroom floor for a minute and when I came back, he had moved about 2 1/2 feet forward!

For Christmas, Caitlin got a DJ Lance Rock (Yo Gabba Gabba) costume from J and K. It's so cute to see her with them on. She also loved to have me wear them....but that wasn't as cute....therefore, no picture for you.

Caitlin's first braid! I never thought about braiding her hair until I saw one in Maddie's hair. So, I thought I might try it out on Caitlin....and it turned out so cute! She's been really good about letting me do her hair in the morning, and she hardly ever takes her ponies out anymore.
1 comment:
I DEMAND a pic of you in those glasses. You can't throw out a teaser like that and not give us a peek!
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