Tuesday, May 20, 2008

200th Post!!!

I can't believe this is my 200th post already! Remember my exit issue yesterday? Well, because I had a baby dr. appointment this morning I was able to take my time with the blasted exit and finding my way to school. This time, I just let the road take me where it must and I eventually ended up where I needed to be. Tomorrow I may take the exit BEFORE the blasted one because I don't think I'll have to take any funky turns.

Baby is doing well and has a strong heartbeat. We'll be able to (hopefully) find out the sex of the baby around the third week in June. It seems so far away! But by then, I'll be half way through my pregnancy.....and in that respect, time has flown by!


Nancy Bergenske said...

It has abso****inglutely flown by!! (I had to use your word)

Also, congrats on your 200th post!

Anonymous said...

craziness! hey, where's Fred Jr.?
