We went over to see Brady and Co. this weekend. He's getting so big!!! I think Dennis said he was 34 inches tall....and he's only 15 months! Surprisingly, it wasn't incredibly hot over there. I was expecting it to be in the 90's but it actually rained and was pretty cool......therefore, I didn't have to wear shorts!!! Woo hoo! No one needs to be exposed to my blinding white legs if it can be helped. Kelly and I went maternity clothes shopping on Saturday. I ended up getting a blouse, 2 pairs of jeans, and shorts (I may not want to wear them, but there will come a time I MUST wear them to avoid heat exhaustion....and for that I apologize....just remember your sunglasses if you are with me). It's kinda weird because maternity pants fit me so much differently than my other jeans. I'm used to them being form fitting (but definitely not that painted on look)....I guess you could say they hug my curves. Anyway, maternity jeans are a little bit looser everywhere....so I feel like I'm in sweats and not jeans.
Because sweets make me queasy, I haven't been baking at all! However, someone who will remain nameless but teaches the only straight 4th grade class at my school, gave me Amish bread starter.....And who do you think gave her the idea that I LOVE that starter and don't have anymore of it as of 5 months ago...and need some again??????? Why the only Kindergarten teacher at my school who hatched ducks that is!!! See, no names. :) So anyway, I made two batches of the stuff today.....2 loaves and 22 muffins. I saved 1 cup in the fridge so I can make waffles next weekend, 1 cup of regular starter, and the rest you ask????......down the sink. Really it was because I didn't have any 1 gallon ziplock bags and I didn't want to go through the hassle to find someone to take the rest off my hands. I completely understand why Nancy is against the stuff.....it's like rabbits.....it just keeps multiplying!!!!!!!