I declare that Thursdays will now be referred to as Thorough Thursdays. This means I will make an attempt to clean the house every Thursday. I'm talking sweep, mop, bathrooms, and laundry! Plus, I will try to include one non-usual cleaning spot....say the medicine cabinet. I have decided to do this because I really hate to clean....organizing, I love...but cleaning, I despise. Most people would say to clean one thing a day to make it seem like no big deal. But that means that I would be cleaning something EVERYDAY! I prefer just to get it over and done with. So last Thursday before my brother and his girlfriend came over, I cleaned the house like above...and it wasn't so bad. Then today I did the same thing. It actually feels really good getting it all done in one swoop and not having to worry about when I'll get to the floors or the bathroom. I discovered that if I put on a show for Caitlin and get Colton down for a nap, I have plenty of time to accomplish my tasks. I so hope I can keep this up!

Now, don't get to thinking that I am the only cleaner in the house. This is only a recent development for me. Dennis is most definitely the cleaner in the house. He does the dishes, vacuuming, trash, bathrooms (every single surface), dusting (ooo, my LEAST favorite)......you name it, he cleans it. However, since I'm home with the kids, I should really try and make more of an effort. Therefore, Thorough Thursdays has been declared!
Sounds like a good plan!
Sounds great! I keep the door open so you can hop on over here and do mine too ;)
I used to do all our laundry on Thursdays, but now (with even more people in the house) we do some everyday. I have to clean everyday or this house gets crazy.
BTW the circus clowns were NOTHING like the clown off It LOL. When your kids get older you should take them :)
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