Thursday, April 21, 2011

Colton's First ER Visit

Oh my! Last night was quite a night. Colton woke up around 11pm breathing really funny. He went to bed just runny nose, cough, or even crying. When he woke up it sounded like he had something in his throat and was wheezing. I thought he may be choking on something, but there was nothing in his mouth we could we decided to take him in. Thankfully, the ER does not fool around with children and we were rushed in. Colton was still upset and crying and he just sounded horrible! They listened to his lungs and asked if he had been coughing and what it sounded like. I told them he had coughed a few times on the way over, but I couldn't recall what it sounded like. In the end, they said he has Croup. He had an x-ray, a breathing treatment, and an oral medication. After the breathing treatment, he was SOOO much better! The x-ray showed nothing in his lungs....thank goodness! The x-ray guy was by far his favorite person....Colton just couldn't stop smiling at him! We got out of there in just under 2 hours and he fell asleep shortly after we got home. And when he woke up this morning, he sounded and acted like nothing had ever happened! I really hope he doesn't wake up like that again, but at least this time we'll know what's going on.

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Life According to Kate said...

How scary! I'm so glad it turned out okay. Our doctor told us what to look for with croup and he said it's about the scariest thing a parent can go through. At least Colton handled it in usual jolly way!

Jenai said...

Omg, thank goodness he's ok!!!

Crystal said...

We have a nebulizer at home that I have to use several times for the kids breathing treatments. It can be scary. Glad he is okay. Hope you guys had a good Easter :~)