Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nook Color

This is my very first post using my nook Color! I am emailing this in
because I haven't quite figured out how to type my message because the
little keyboard does not pop up in the post box....weird. Anyway, I
am loving my nook and I am very happy I chose this ereader rather than
a kindle. I just love that I can check out books for free on here and
have web axcess...especially since I am sitting in Caitlin's doorway
waiting for her to fall asleep. She slept well last night but she did
not have a nap. We have thought about giving up her naps but she goes
down for them very easily and when she does not nap, she is a bit high
maintanence (sorry about spelling...I do not have spell check). So I
just don't know what to do and I keep going back and forth about them.
Tomorrow I will be taking her to daycare where she usually is too
excited to nap so we will see if without another nap, she falls asleep

Back to the is heavier than most ereaders I think,but since
this is my first one, it doesn't make any difference to me. The
screen is very pretty and I have already read 2 1/2 books for free on
it! The screen can get very bright and for the most part I keep it
dimmed because I haven't needed it to be super bright yet. The real
test will be when I have it in bright sun...which(considering where I
live) will be a while.

Alright, I must go. Caitlin is asleep and I must get ready for
bed...which is precisely the time that Colton will decide to wake up.


Laurie said...

That "do they still need a nap" time is a tough one. If they don't want to go to bed at night, it might be time to say goodbye to naps! You might need to move bedtime up a little though, to compensate.

Also, I want to thank you for letting me hold Colton for so long the other day! It made my entire day, and I got an arm workout as well! It was great to see you and Nancy!

Glad you love your Nook!

Crystal said...

I agree with Laurie...when to do away with naps is hard. Hannah took a nap everyday until she was 4. Acacia on the other hand, stopped taking a nap around 2 years old. Sometimes I think Acacia should could still use one :) Sometimes she gets a little cranky in the afternoons and about once a week she falls asleep around 6pm and sleeps all night.
Your a good momma, you'll know what she needs.
Good luck :)