Tuesday, April 19, 2011

No Nap

I didn't think it would happen so soon! I think Caitlin has officially reached the no nap stage! A total bummer! She hasn't been wanting to take a nap when when have playgroup or library, and today (with none of the above) she didn't want to go down at all! The only naps she has been getting is on the couch with Dennis on the weekend. This whole no nap thing will take some getting use to....especially if she becomes really crabby in the late afternoon evenings. A week ago Monday, she was so crazy she seemed like a completely different child! It may all just be worth it if we have less drama when it's time for her to go to bed.

Tonight, Caitlin has her first soccer class! We are really looking forward to it and I will post pictures as soon as I can.

Oh, and Thorough Thursdays have been going very well.

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