Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Colton 6 Months

Colton's first snow day was also the day he turned 6 months old! He has his checkup next week, but the last time I weighed him he weighed 19 1/2 pounds! Last night was pretty rough for him...and me too. He is teething and the poor little guy is just uncomfortable. Normally, babies tend to get their top or bottom teeth in first, but Colton's eye teeth are coming in first! These were the most painful for Caitlin. Because of his teeth, his naps and nights have been all over the place. So he was up early this morning for about an hour and then fell back asleep for another hour. He didn't really take his normal morning nap and was really wanting to go to sleep around 11am. However, we had company over and I brought him out to play. It turns out that was a good plan. I put him down at noon and he's still napping! Caitlin is napping too! Oh, but it sounds like she's awake now....and the boy too! I must go investigate!

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