It's finally arrived! I will thoroughly enjoy my week of relaxation! Dennis is out at Target tonight to get last minute Easter stuff for Caitlin. Because we didn't exactly know what we were doing for Easter, we hadn't gotten anything for Caitlin or planned any activities. Normally, this lack of planning would bother me, but not this time. I'm just letting things happen the way they happen and not think twice about it. And since I have such a wonderful husband, he's at the store at 9pm getting last minute goodies!
Since I haven't blogged in ages, I thought I would pictures do most of the talking since I am having trouble creating them on my own :)

Hugging her Peter Cottontail bunny that sings. At one point she was scared of it, but now she can't get enough of it! I can't say the same for Dennis and I.

Chilling out in her ladybug tent from her Grama. It's been a HUGE hit!

Learning how to eat spaghetti with a fork. I can't believe how old she looks in this picture!

This is what happens when you give a toddler a tangerine to play with! Juice and seeds were all over the hallway! Not to mention her door! I'm still finding sticky spots I missed!

Today's toy aftermath. It was a productive day.

Me at 17 weeks now. I'm still feeling sick and hope that someday soon I can look a food without cringing. Oh, and I have cinnamon toothpaste now. I finally discovered my other kind was making me sick. Oh, and I can feel the baby kicking now. I'm thinking this one will be as active as Caitlin was!
Toothpaste is my nemesis, too!! I don't know if I'll ever use mint again. Also, I can't look at roasted chicken or smell toast. Pregnancy has got to be the strangest thing ever!! Hope Caitlin liked Easter!
Mint made me sick with Hannah...I had orange flavored toothpaste ha ha. Hope you and food can be friends again soon :-) I go for my 4D ultrasound this week...I am so excited. Hope you have a good Easter.
Hope you guys had a great Easter! C looks very cute with her bunny ears on!!
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