Tuesday turned out to be a grilled cheese and soup night because Dennis came down with Caitlin's cold. It was pretty good and Caitlin ate most of it including her broccoli. Tonight I stopped and got burgers and garlic fries from Mikes Garlic Fries because I was soooooo hunger after my check-up and didn't feel like cooking......even though it probably would have been ready in the same amount of time. :)
Before I went to my appointment, we took Caitlin to hers to rule out an ear infection. And she actually doesn't have one! So we are going to wait and see what she does in the next few days before we think about antibiotics. AND!!!! She FINALLY hit the 20lb mark! She now weighs 20lbs 5 oz! She was also patient of the day because she was SUPER still and cooperative while the PNP looked in her ears.
My appointment went really well. I gained 6lbs in the last four weeks!!!!!! My doctor was happy about it though since I had barely gained any weight before then. The baby is growing right on schedule and has a heartbeat of about 150.....which is what Caitlin was. The baby is moving A LOT and I had to ask if a baby can move too much! He kinda laughed and said he didn't think so. I actually remember Caitlin moving like that last time and worrying that she was a bit too wiggly. Now that she's on the outside, I see why she was so wiggly on the inside! I have to wait until the imaging place calls before I can set up my 20 week ultrasound. I'm hoping they call soon, but I may not hear from them until Monday. And tomorrow marks the one week anniversary of not feeling nauseated!!!
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