Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Caitlin's going to have a baby brother!!!! It's very exciting....one of each! The baby was moving around quite a bit and measures about 9 days bigger according to my due date. Thankfully, much of our big ticket items are neutral in color so we won't have to worry about hauling around a handsome little boy in a pink carseat! The only big thing is a name. Dennis and I will be keeping it a secret like we did last time, but the trouble is, we can't agree on a boy name....at all! It will be a wonderful challenge for us! :)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Oreo
Dennis was sitting in the living room and he wanted an Oreo. So Caitlin was helping me prep dinner so I had her take the Oreo to Dennis. She gets all the way to him, stares at him, then takes a bite of his cookie! Dennis asks her to give him the cookie so she breaks off a little bits and hands it to him!!!! Hahaha! What a smart girl! She eventually shared it with him and got her own Oreo to eat after dinner. While she was eating it in her little black chair, Dennis was cleaning the fish tank (45 gallons) that was right next to her. Well one of the Bala Sharks decides to jump about 5 feet in the air and land on the floor!!!!! It was flopping all over the place and Dennis had to maneuver it into his bucket and then plop in back in the tank. We've heard about those sharks jumping like that, but it's never happened to us before! And these aren't little sharks either. They are about 8-10 inches long!
Dennis also painted Caitlin's new room today. It's a light peachy color....super cute! Next week we will check out new beds and then fabric for curtains. Super exciting!!!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Boy or Girl?
The date has been set......on April 27th I have my next ultrasound to make sure the baby is developing on schedule and hopefully, we'll be able to discover if we are having a boy or a girl! We're really excited! We're curious to see what people think we are going to have so I've put up a poll on the right side of my blog.
Next week is parent/teacher conference week. The kids get out at 1pm but conferences begin at 1:40. It's going to be a long week. On Tuesday it looks like I won't be home until 5:30! However, it appears that there are no conferences scheduled on Thursday or Friday so I think that makes up for the other late days.
So our little kitty is, how should I put this, completely lame. I sheep is smarter than him! Apparently, he thought that jumping into/over Steve (our hedge) would be a good idea. HA! He unknowingly jumped over the chain link fence that sits in the middle of Steve. So when I went to put him in the garage for the evening, I heard him meowing on the other side of the fence! And because he's not the smartest cat on the block, I don't think he realizes he has to maneuver his way up through Steve to get over the fence and back into our yard! It'll be interesting to see if he figures it out sometime during the night. Crazy cat!
Next week is parent/teacher conference week. The kids get out at 1pm but conferences begin at 1:40. It's going to be a long week. On Tuesday it looks like I won't be home until 5:30! However, it appears that there are no conferences scheduled on Thursday or Friday so I think that makes up for the other late days.
So our little kitty is, how should I put this, completely lame. I sheep is smarter than him! Apparently, he thought that jumping into/over Steve (our hedge) would be a good idea. HA! He unknowingly jumped over the chain link fence that sits in the middle of Steve. So when I went to put him in the garage for the evening, I heard him meowing on the other side of the fence! And because he's not the smartest cat on the block, I don't think he realizes he has to maneuver his way up through Steve to get over the fence and back into our yard! It'll be interesting to see if he figures it out sometime during the night. Crazy cat!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
19 Week Check-Up
Tuesday turned out to be a grilled cheese and soup night because Dennis came down with Caitlin's cold. It was pretty good and Caitlin ate most of it including her broccoli. Tonight I stopped and got burgers and garlic fries from Mikes Garlic Fries because I was soooooo hunger after my check-up and didn't feel like cooking......even though it probably would have been ready in the same amount of time. :)
Before I went to my appointment, we took Caitlin to hers to rule out an ear infection. And she actually doesn't have one! So we are going to wait and see what she does in the next few days before we think about antibiotics. AND!!!! She FINALLY hit the 20lb mark! She now weighs 20lbs 5 oz! She was also patient of the day because she was SUPER still and cooperative while the PNP looked in her ears.
My appointment went really well. I gained 6lbs in the last four weeks!!!!!! My doctor was happy about it though since I had barely gained any weight before then. The baby is growing right on schedule and has a heartbeat of about 150.....which is what Caitlin was. The baby is moving A LOT and I had to ask if a baby can move too much! He kinda laughed and said he didn't think so. I actually remember Caitlin moving like that last time and worrying that she was a bit too wiggly. Now that she's on the outside, I see why she was so wiggly on the inside! I have to wait until the imaging place calls before I can set up my 20 week ultrasound. I'm hoping they call soon, but I may not hear from them until Monday. And tomorrow marks the one week anniversary of not feeling nauseated!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Back to Work
Today was the first day back from Spring break. I think it was a hard/long day for all involved. My first group of students were so lethargic and normally they talk my ear off! I don't think the rain helped anyone either. Thankfully, by morning recess, the sun was peaking through the clouds so the kids could have recess outside. Woo hoo!
On the other hand, Caitlin was very excited to be back at daycare. She wasted no time getting in her favorite car and waving bye, bye to me out the back window! I think she was so excited that it made napping quite difficult for her too. She only slept 50 minutes and she normally takes a 2 hour nap!
I made calzones tonight for the first time and they turned out quite tasty. Dennis put "new recipe" on the menu this week and since I haven't read my new issue of Food Network magazine, I was scrounging around for something. Dennis had said something about homemade pizza a few weeks ago and I thought that's nothing new.....but then it occurred to me that calzones would be a new item I'd never made before! I'm not sure if it will be a menu regular, but it was pretty tasty. Tomorrow we're having BLT's with avocado....mmmmm.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Happy Belated Easter
We had a fabulous and very rainy Easter. Caitlin looked for eggs at our local zoo and then proceeded to run around in the pouring down rain! We searched for eggs in our living room after her nap and the Easter Bunny brought her a potty seat and a remote control car.....very exciting on both fronts.
On Friday, we went to story time at the library for the first time. It was PACKED with kids, which I heard was a bit unusual from parents talking around me. We went to the 10am story time but I wished I knew ahead of time that they had a 11am story time that was for kids 0-2 years. At least I know for next time. Afterward, we headed into the children's section and I was so afraid that Caitlin would just start pulling all the books off the wall! But to my surprise, she was more interested in watching the trees through the gianormous windows and trying to climb on the windowsill to get a better look. Thus, we didn't stay much longer. We'll definitely make this a weekly trip during the summer.
We also discovered that she is a muffin girl! She had been devouring the blueberry muffins I made earlier this week, so tonight I made a new batch of muffins.....my Nana's banana chocolate chip muffins.
I'm hoping that my morning sickness has finally come to an end. For the last 3 days I haven't been nauseated at any time during the day. It's a trend I'd like to continue.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Spring Break
Since I haven't blogged in ages, I thought I would pictures do most of the talking since I am having trouble creating them on my own :)
Hugging her Peter Cottontail bunny that sings. At one point she was scared of it, but now she can't get enough of it! I can't say the same for Dennis and I.
Chilling out in her ladybug tent from her Grama. It's been a HUGE hit!
Learning how to eat spaghetti with a fork. I can't believe how old she looks in this picture!
This is what happens when you give a toddler a tangerine to play with! Juice and seeds were all over the hallway! Not to mention her door! I'm still finding sticky spots I missed!
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