Friday, August 22, 2008

You've gotta watch this!!!

Okay, this is the funniest video clip ever!!! It's of Dennis's co-workers little boy. Dennis added a few sound effects to enhance the completely hilarious video. I warn you, do not eat or drink anything while you watch this.....I don't want anyone choking after all. ENJOY!


Dentay said...

I should add that as painful as that looks, a few minutes after the crash he was going down the hill again. Kids are cool like that!

Jenai said...

ACK! *cringes*...

shan said...

That is painfully funny. Thanks for the comment on the hair. I'm getting old. I'll see you when I get back for your shower!!

Nancy Bergenske said...

OOOOOH! Poor little buddy! Glad he could shake it off and get right back at it.