Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal please!

All I wanted this morning was a cup of coffee and a bowl of honey nut cheerios! I was so tired from a horrible night sleep I just wanted a coffee to pick me up....but oh no, too many carbs because I like to add milk to my coffee (I'm not the crazy type who likes my coffee black). Then I'm totally craving cereal and going through cereal withdrawals at the same time and for a preggo lady that is not a good combination AT ALL! Plus, to add insult to injury, there was a huge miscommunication at work that got me all upset. So to say the least I was a bit teary-eyed this morning and just wanted to crawl under a rock. I seriously hope I sleep well tonight. I may not be able to have my cereal, but a good nights sleep will curb my coffee craving.

Sweet dreams!


Jenai said...

Diet Snapple!... Your iced tea maker will become your new best buddy. That and protein... oy...
Poor you!!!

Nancy Bergenske said...

I know, I am soooooo exhausted! Why don't we start with a 3 day work week?

shan said...
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shan said...

You poor thing! Lets just say when your in town you wont be stoppin by my Dad's for a Iced Latte. The waterworks have just begun in my house. Talk to you soon.