Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sweet Old Lady

I was in Walgreens today picking up a prescription and walking in front of me was a VERY old couple. They were so cute! The husband (and with the assistance of a cane) was helping his wife walk at an extremely slow pace. Amused as I was, I halted my pace in order to observe them a little longer. As the husband waited at the counter, the wife took a seat in the little waiting area (it's more like a waiting wall, but I digress). We weren't there for more than a few minutes when the sweet old lady asked if I would like to sit down.....in her chair! I couldn't believe how sweet it was of her to ask that, when clearly she needed the chair WAY more than I did! I said thank you, but I was just fine standing....and I couldn't stop smiling for the next 30 minutes or so. That lady just made my day. Just so sweet and adorable! I'm not much up for strangers touching my belly, but anytime a sweet old lady like that wants to.....it would be my pleasure! She never did, but you could see the joy on her face when looked at my 29 week pregnant belly!

1 comment:

Jenai said...

Awwwww!.... And speaking of that belly... time for another photo!
