Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ahhh!!! I've got school tomorrow!!!

I can't believe another school year is upon us. My summer was definitely not boring like they have been in the probably might have to do with my little bun in the oven. But as I planned out my wardrobe for the week (just like I do every Sunday during the school year) my pregnant emotions took control. First I couldn't find my red maternity shirt that I needed to hand wash and THEN I realized I only have six tops that fit me AND that I can wear to work for the next 3 months! Frustrated and envious of the clothes that I used to be able to wear, my wonderful husband is taking me to the mall in a little bit. Happy, but still emotional, I'm fighting those pregnant tears.

School and cup after cup of coffee go hand and hand, but for this school year, I will have to stay off of coffee island.....I know my students will truly be dissapointed! There's nothing like a caffeinated teacher first thing in the morning to get you going! Although, seeing all those exciting and eager faces those first few days of school, may just give me the boost that coffee island offers.

Oh, and for all of those you haven't heard, I have gotten the one pregnant malady that sucks beyond belief.....gestational diabetes. So for the past few days (and nights) all I can think about is carbs, carbs, carbs. And there's just something strange about seeing a pregnant woman checking out a South Beach Diet or Adkins book.

Well, here's to a new school year minus coffee island, carb central, and a closet full of clothes to wear! Wish me luck! :)


Anonymous said...

Good luck!! My baby is starting school tomorrow. :-( / :-) Its a mixed emotional thing. I am so excited for her and so sad to see her grow up at the same time. Well hope your first day goes good.

shan said...

The Elementary Schools start here tomorrow as well. I heard about your checkups I hope all is going well. Hope to see you real soon!!!

Jenai said...

Oh noooooo! I'm so sorry to hear about the diabetes. Please tell me if there are any tips I can give, or anything that is especially confusing... (I had it too). Or even if you just want to RANT about having to prick your finger for the gazillionth time!!!
