Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's A Girl!!!

Yup! We're having a healthy baby girl! We are so excited!...and the ultrasound tech was 100% sure that we're having a girl! I'd have to say close to 90% of people we talked to said we were having a boy, so for the past few weeks Dennis and I both started to think maybe we were having a it kinda came as a real shock to hear "It looks like your having a girl!" The whole right side of my face was soaked in tears (I was looking to the right you see) and I had to control myself so I wouldn't completely start sobbing away! We have some ultrasound pictures and as soon as we scan them, I'll post them. :)

A girl, a girl, a girl!


Nancy Bergenske said...

Soooooo happy for you and D!! Can't wait to meet her!

Anonymous said...

Yippee!! I am so excited for you guys. Congrats! You proved them wrong...