So this is what Big Kitty likes to do when she sees a big container of water....she played in that water for over 20 minutes today! I've never seen a cat who likes water as much as she does. In fact, if you turn the hose on, she'll chase it just like a dog! She's always been crazy about water...even when she was 8 weeks old! Dennis and I thought there was a hole in her water dish, but then we saw her one day playing in it. Therefore, her water dish has been located in the bathtub ever since.
Big kitty is soooooo cute!! I have never met a water loving cat before!
It's funny because she's STILL "Skittles" to me... LOL... She's looking super adorable... silly kitty! :)
~Jenai... with Heiden on perched on my left knee...
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