Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Give it a try!

So Dennis and I have tried a really great cream soda and root beer made with honey. We heard about it on Food Network and recently found it at our local co-op. If you haven't tried it should totally do so....or you can order it from

Oh, by the way, Steve (our hedge) got another hair cut today. It's not as bad as the last time, but still, we don't like it short. I ran over (or rather hobbled) to the neighbors to let them know we (all the neighbors) like Steve to be tall. They said they completely understood and weren't going to cut him that short....true, they didn't...but they still cut him!!!!!!


Nancy Bergenske said...

Hi there! I hope you had fun at the picnic today... I must've been mighty chilly out there! Also, we trimmed our jungle of shrubbery out front and took away 2 truck fulls of branches, etc and it still looks the same!! There is no controlling our jungle!

Jenai said...

Waaaaait... your neighbors trim YOUR hedge?...


I'm offended by this notion! Miffed even! Hmmph!