Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Colton 8 Months
Wow! I just can't believe it has been 8 months already! And, just to top things off, Colton sprouted his first tooth the same day! It FINALLY broke through and it wasn't one of his eye teeth that we thought it was going to be! It was the same one Caitlin got first....the bottom right one. He is really close to crawling. It seems that every day he gets on all fours more and more. Food ( in any form) is still his favorite. Tonight (while we were cleaning up BBQ sauce---another story----Caitlin kept on saying "Colton share." Finally, we turned around and saw that she was sharing her green beans with Colton! He was happily gnawing on it and wasn't too thrilled when Dennis took it away. Have no fear, it was promptly replaced with puffs. It will be really nice if he continutes his oh so happy willingness to eat anything...edible, that is.
Okay, now the BBQ story. I made tater tots to go with our breakfast burritos tonight for dinner. I know, you're thinking "Tater tots with breakfast burritos?" Yes, it's not common, but we have been out of the good tater tots (the ABC kind) for a while and I had made regular fried potatoes on Monday and wasn't really in the mood for them again....but I digress. So, Dennis likes to dunk his TTs in a spicy BBQ sauce. Since it is made locally, it separates and needs to be shaken vigorously......and that is exactly what I began to do when the lid came flying off and BBQ sauce went EVERYWHERE! Thankfully, Dennis had just rotated Colton in his arms and the sauce just barely missed him! It was so funny and all I could do was stand there and giggle to myself for a while. Good thing tomorrow is Thorough Thursday!
My wonderful friend Nancy came over today for a visit to chat and play with Caitlin. It's been a while since I've seen her, so I was very happy to see her. Then just after she left I got a text from my other really good friend I haven't seen in a while either, and she's coming over for a visit next week! It's great to be surrounded by good friends, family, and an awesome husband!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Colton's First ER Visit
Oh my! Last night was quite a night. Colton woke up around 11pm breathing really funny. He went to bed just runny nose, cough, or even crying. When he woke up it sounded like he had something in his throat and was wheezing. I thought he may be choking on something, but there was nothing in his mouth we could we decided to take him in. Thankfully, the ER does not fool around with children and we were rushed in. Colton was still upset and crying and he just sounded horrible! They listened to his lungs and asked if he had been coughing and what it sounded like. I told them he had coughed a few times on the way over, but I couldn't recall what it sounded like. In the end, they said he has Croup. He had an x-ray, a breathing treatment, and an oral medication. After the breathing treatment, he was SOOO much better! The x-ray showed nothing in his lungs....thank goodness! The x-ray guy was by far his favorite person....Colton just couldn't stop smiling at him! We got out of there in just under 2 hours and he fell asleep shortly after we got home. And when he woke up this morning, he sounded and acted like nothing had ever happened! I really hope he doesn't wake up like that again, but at least this time we'll know what's going on.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
First Soccer Class
No Nap
I didn't think it would happen so soon! I think Caitlin has officially reached the no nap stage! A total bummer! She hasn't been wanting to take a nap when when have playgroup or library, and today (with none of the above) she didn't want to go down at all! The only naps she has been getting is on the couch with Dennis on the weekend. This whole no nap thing will take some getting use to....especially if she becomes really crabby in the late afternoon evenings. A week ago Monday, she was so crazy she seemed like a completely different child! It may all just be worth it if we have less drama when it's time for her to go to bed.
Tonight, Caitlin has her first soccer class! We are really looking forward to it and I will post pictures as soon as I can.
Oh, and Thorough Thursdays have been going very well.
Monday, April 11, 2011
A Week of Events
Anyway, while we were there, I signed her up for soccer on Tuesdays and basketball on Thursdays. Dennis and I were planning on doing that today anyway, but it's just kinda funny that most of our new activities are all in the same place! This schedule will take us until mid May and then we'll have to see what's next! I'm super excited!!!!!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Thorough Thursdays
I declare that Thursdays will now be referred to as Thorough Thursdays. This means I will make an attempt to clean the house every Thursday. I'm talking sweep, mop, bathrooms, and laundry! Plus, I will try to include one non-usual cleaning spot....say the medicine cabinet. I have decided to do this because I really hate to clean....organizing, I love...but cleaning, I despise. Most people would say to clean one thing a day to make it seem like no big deal. But that means that I would be cleaning something EVERYDAY! I prefer just to get it over and done with. So last Thursday before my brother and his girlfriend came over, I cleaned the house like above...and it wasn't so bad. Then today I did the same thing. It actually feels really good getting it all done in one swoop and not having to worry about when I'll get to the floors or the bathroom. I discovered that if I put on a show for Caitlin and get Colton down for a nap, I have plenty of time to accomplish my tasks. I so hope I can keep this up!

Now, don't get to thinking that I am the only cleaner in the house. This is only a recent development for me. Dennis is most definitely the cleaner in the house. He does the dishes, vacuuming, trash, bathrooms (every single surface), dusting (ooo, my LEAST favorite) name it, he cleans it. However, since I'm home with the kids, I should really try and make more of an effort. Therefore, Thorough Thursdays has been declared!
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