Friday, July 23, 2010

3D and NST

Yesterday was quite eventful. Quite surprisingly, I was able to have a 3D ultrasound because they were testing out new equipment! It was like a party in the ultrasound room and everyone was amazed at the quality of the 2D pictures on the new machine and they were using my belly to test out different contrasts and to look at the liver, hear, and kidneys of the baby.....way more than they were required to do. They only needed to check my amniotic fluid, but they wanted to have a little fun and I was completely fine with that. The video above is a profile of the baby yawning and sticking out his tongue. The 3D clip I have is a little more difficult to make out just because there's not that much fluid around his head so the placenta ends up blocking parts of his's kinda weird. I was super excited when I left and really wished Dennis was there. He offered to go, but I thought it was going to be really short and if we got the same chick as last time, it wouldn't be as fun....boy, was I wrong! I think next Thursday I'll have him come just in case.

After my ultrasound it was off to my usual NST at the hospital. It was anything but usual. The baby was doing great and passed with flying colors, but I was apparently having a whole mess of contractions. After waiting to see if they would stop on there own, I ended up having to take some meds to stop them. It kinda worked for a little while, but then they came back. I had more tests done and the test results basically said I would not have the baby within the next two weeks. A very good thing, but they didn't know why I was contracting. Thankfully, they released me at 8pm because my cervix hadn't changed one bit, but they did give me a prescription for more medication to stop the contractions. The odd thing is that I didn't feel like I was having regular contractions. I just chalked it up to being in the 3rd trimester and having a toddler in the house. Then I thought about it and realized most of contractions with Caitlin were medically induced and not natural. So I guess they are right when they say natural contractions are way more tolerable than pitocin ones. I'm still having them today, but don't feel like they're strong or regular enough to take the meds.

Needless to say, I had quite the eventful day yesterday with both of my appointments. I wonder what Monday will bring when I have my next "usual" NST?

1 comment:

Crystal said...

3D ultrasounds are awesome! I got to have one with Liam. Too cool. I have had both induced contractions and "normal" contractions and there is a difference for sure. Having a toddler in the house makes things different too. Glad things are going good. Take it easy (as much as you can with a little one running around LOL).