Caitlin shared the 4th of July with her 20 month birthday! Also, my sister's family and brother came out for the weekend. It was absolutely awesome! The guys tried to go salmon fishing on Friday, but he the ocean was just awful and it took at least three attempts to get back into the bay to load up the boat! Needless to say, no salmon was caught.

We had a quite eventful weekend. Friday was spent shopping and napping. Saturday we all went to the farmer's market and the weather was absolutely beautiful! Caitlin, my nephew Hunter, and Dennis polished off a basket of strawberries and blueberries in no time while they waited for us to make the rounds. On Sunday we went to the beach and looked for aggets. Even Caitlin joined in. It was super cute to watch her picking through the rocks with her little finger. Then I took a nap right there while everyone kept searching. It was super warm and pretty comfortable since I could mold the rocks around my belly! Later that afternoon we headed to the jubilee down town to grab a bite to eat. Unfortunately, 3 of our favorite food booths were not there! So that left us starving and me with a sugar low, so Dennis and I grabbed a burger and hot dog. Later that night we (minus Dennis and Caitlin) headed to the beach to have a bonfire and light off fireworks. It was pretty crazy because the wind was just awful! And of course just before we leave, the wind dies down to practically nothing! We all came back home and crashed pretty hard. A wonderful weekend to say the least.

...but WAIT! I didn't even mention the food! We ate REALLY well this weekend. My sister brought over a ton of tri-tip so we had that on Friday night followed by a blackberry pudding for dessert. Now don't let the name fool you. It's not really a pudding. It's more like a REALLY tall pie that you don't have to bake. Anyway, it was so good that I had 3 servings over the weekend despite my carbohydrate restrictions! Saturday night we BBQ'd more tri-tip and put it in tacos. On Sunday we had bagels from Los Bagels which were soooooo good. These are definitely on my list of major no-no's to eat, but my will power evaded me. My blood sugar was so bad after, I ended up having to give myself another injection! That night I made clam chowder with bacon! It was SUPER yummy! I think it could have been a bit more clammy for people, but despite that, it was incredible!
A very awesome weekend to say the least!