Thursday, February 18, 2010

Big Sister

Yup, it's true (and not your eyesight going bad).....Caitlin is going to be a big sister in the early part of September! And yesterday we were able to hear the heartbeat too! Very exciting! This is also another reason I've been MIA from the internet recently. I've been so nauseous practically all day long, I haven't wanted to do anything except lay on the couch and fall asleep! Food in general makes me queasy and anything sweet (smelling or tasting) puts me over the edge! But strangely, there are times that I think a cheese danish would be good....baffling, I know. There are days where things sound and taste good and then the next day, I don't want anything to do with that food again. I'm hoping I only have a few more weeks of this to go. I will be 11 weeks tomorrow and my morning sickness with Caitlin lasted until I was about 14 weeks.

So, I will try to blog more often now that the cat is out of the bag, but if I'm the least bit queasy, I can't guarantee anything. :)

6 1/2 weeks

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Yay! Thats awesome!! I hope you feel better soon. Its no fun to be sick the whole time (trust me I know...3rd pregnancy and sick everyday of all of them, blah). I am so excited for you. :-)