Sunday, February 28, 2010

As Promised

Finally! As promised I now have a short clip of Caitlin walking. It's really hard to get her on film because she immediately stops what she's doing and wants to check out the camera. Thanks to daddy, I was able to get this much!

Dennis finished moving the theater room to the living room this weekend! It's completely awesome!!!! All the wires are hidden because he put them all through the attic....and now we can even watch regular TV on the theater screen if we want!!! Woo hoo!!!

Oh, and on Friday I took a test called "Intellegender" to see if we are having a boy or girl. Dennis read online that it's not that reliable, but I thought it would be fun. And the result is......a GIRL! So we'll see in about 2 months on an ultrasound if it was correct.


Crystal said...

Hee hee I did one of the Chinese birth charts and it says we are having a boy...we will see (next week). I hope they are right, we need some blue in this house of pink LOL.

Nancy Bergenske said...

She looks like she is having a blast! Love it!