Last Thursday Caitlin turned 15 months old! She can take about 7-8 steps to me or Dennis and, on occasion, stand up by herself. She's really taken to crawling on the coffee table and mastered a two step staircase on Sunday. I'd say her favorite foods right now are grapes and pizza......and yogurt is always on top too! She now faces forward in her beautiful pink and brown polka-dot Britax carseat! Man, I just love that seat!
Work has been really busy and one of us has been sick during the past 2 weeks.....thus, my lack of blogging. But I have all next week off, so I hope to be a better blogger. Caitlin still has an ear infection and went on a second round of antibiotics. She didn't even show any signs of an ear infection, but the doctor got a REALLY good look and she definitely had one. And now that we just finished the antibiotics, she's been tugging at her ear today and had a hard day at daycare. Tonight she's been fine, so I hope it's just a fluke. Otherwise I may need to move up her Feb 24th recheck to next week.
Well, it sounds like the Bug is out of the bath and almost ready for bed. Chat with y'all soon!
1 comment:
Hey! She just looks so much more grown up than the last time I saw her!! Also, you need to clip the bangs to the side.... if you cut them now, she will have bangs forever!
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