Sunday, February 28, 2010
As Promised
Finally! As promised I now have a short clip of Caitlin walking. It's really hard to get her on film because she immediately stops what she's doing and wants to check out the camera. Thanks to daddy, I was able to get this much!
Dennis finished moving the theater room to the living room this weekend! It's completely awesome!!!! All the wires are hidden because he put them all through the attic....and now we can even watch regular TV on the theater screen if we want!!! Woo hoo!!!
Oh, and on Friday I took a test called "Intellegender" to see if we are having a boy or girl. Dennis read online that it's not that reliable, but I thought it would be fun. And the result is......a GIRL! So we'll see in about 2 months on an ultrasound if it was correct.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
On Tuesday, Caitlin officially became a walker! She walks EVERYWHERE now! And it is so adorable! She still crawls but her main method of transportation would have to be walking now. I hope she sticks with walking at this point and doesn't try to run any time soon.
Well, Dennis finally went back to work yesterday while I stayed home (and still home today) with some stomach/flu bug thing. I stayed in bed ALL day yesterday. This morning I tried to go to work, but I kept on getting light headed and needed to lay down so I wouldn't pass out.....such joy. But my fever hasn't returned today, so that's really good.
Now I'm off to lay down on the couch. I've finally made it to the living room today so that's progress too.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Light at the end of the tunnel...
Oh, I sure hope so. Today, I wasn't as nauseated as I usually am. It would be nice if tomorrow were the same since I have to return to work after a much enjoyed week off. I'm sure the kids will be wiped out by the end of the day.....I know I will be.....I won't get an afternoon nap! That's the thing about vacation, you get used to sleeping a LOT and then it's BAM! back to reality. Oh well. I have Easter vacation to look forward to now. :)
Dennis has no light at the end of his tunnel. On Friday night he developed a fever and then Saturday woke up to strep throat and a swollen uvula (the dangley thing in the back of your throat). This is the second time this has happened in the past 6 months and the first time he was just as sick! It's really awful! He can barely talk and when he does you can't understand him because of all the swelling in his throat. Plus, he can't sleep laying down because his swollen uvula blocks his airway. So he's been having to sit up to sleep at night....if he can even manage sleeping that way! He just feels horrible and his fever wont' go away even with ibprophen every 4 hours. I feel so bad for him!!! Thankfully, we called his doctor today and they called in a prescription for antibiotics. Hopefully tomorrow he'll begin to see some light in his tunnel.
OH!!! And Caitlin is starting to walk around the house a bit. This afternoon I spied on her walking from behind the couch and around to the coffee table and then later tonight I saw her walking down the hallway!!!! It's going to be a crazy day when she chooses walking as her preferred method of transportation!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Big Sister
Yup, it's true (and not your eyesight going bad).....Caitlin is going to be a big sister in the early part of September! And yesterday we were able to hear the heartbeat too! Very exciting! This is also another reason I've been MIA from the internet recently. I've been so nauseous practically all day long, I haven't wanted to do anything except lay on the couch and fall asleep! Food in general makes me queasy and anything sweet (smelling or tasting) puts me over the edge! But strangely, there are times that I think a cheese danish would be good....baffling, I know. There are days where things sound and taste good and then the next day, I don't want anything to do with that food again. I'm hoping I only have a few more weeks of this to go. I will be 11 weeks tomorrow and my morning sickness with Caitlin lasted until I was about 14 weeks.
So, I will try to blog more often now that the cat is out of the bag, but if I'm the least bit queasy, I can't guarantee anything. :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
15 Months
Last Thursday Caitlin turned 15 months old! She can take about 7-8 steps to me or Dennis and, on occasion, stand up by herself. She's really taken to crawling on the coffee table and mastered a two step staircase on Sunday. I'd say her favorite foods right now are grapes and pizza......and yogurt is always on top too! She now faces forward in her beautiful pink and brown polka-dot Britax carseat! Man, I just love that seat!
Work has been really busy and one of us has been sick during the past 2 weeks.....thus, my lack of blogging. But I have all next week off, so I hope to be a better blogger. Caitlin still has an ear infection and went on a second round of antibiotics. She didn't even show any signs of an ear infection, but the doctor got a REALLY good look and she definitely had one. And now that we just finished the antibiotics, she's been tugging at her ear today and had a hard day at daycare. Tonight she's been fine, so I hope it's just a fluke. Otherwise I may need to move up her Feb 24th recheck to next week.
Well, it sounds like the Bug is out of the bath and almost ready for bed. Chat with y'all soon!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Happy Anniversary

Today, Dennis and I celebrated our 8 year wedding anniversary by having spaghetti. We were thinking of going out to eat, but we didn't plan things out and since both of us are a bit under the weather, we're going to try this weekend. Dennis brought home a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and lilies and a super sweet card that made me cry. He always knows the perfect thing to say! Normally we would watch Groundhog Day to celebrate, but LOST premieres tonight so that takes the cake instead.
Happy Tuesday and Groundhog Day!
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