Thursday, July 31, 2008
A Crib, A Crib, A Crib!
Today we got a crib!!!!...and changing table!!!! One of Dennis's co-workers has a friend who was selling her old crib, changing table, and she asked Dennis if we were interested and after seeing the pictures of it, we couldn't say yes fast enough. We got a great deal too! It's exactly what I'd been looking for!....white, sleigh style with a drop-side. I'm just so excited about it!!!!! Plus, it's two big ticket items we can cross off our list! Woo hoo!!!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Water Kitty

So this is what Big Kitty likes to do when she sees a big container of water....she played in that water for over 20 minutes today! I've never seen a cat who likes water as much as she does. In fact, if you turn the hose on, she'll chase it just like a dog! She's always been crazy about water...even when she was 8 weeks old! Dennis and I thought there was a hole in her water dish, but then we saw her one day playing in it. Therefore, her water dish has been located in the bathtub ever since.
Monday, July 28, 2008
I swept and mopped today!!!!! Tomorrow I will design a quilt for our little girl.
Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
His and Hers Quilts
On Friday, Dennis and I went to the fabric store to pick out quilt material for our little girl. Well, the first one I chose Dennis didn't care for so he decided we would just have to make a daddy quilt and a mommy quilt. I'll post pictures as soon as I finish them. Although, we haven't even designed them yet so it'll be a while before there done.
Oh and on Thursday night we were able to SEE when our little girl kicked my stomach! It was so cool and bizarre at the same time. I can't wait now till she sticks her foot out and keeps it there for a bit. She's kicking so much now too! Last night it felt like she was beating me up and I couldn't get to sleep! She's so cute!
Oh and on Thursday night we were able to SEE when our little girl kicked my stomach! It was so cool and bizarre at the same time. I can't wait now till she sticks her foot out and keeps it there for a bit. She's kicking so much now too! Last night it felt like she was beating me up and I couldn't get to sleep! She's so cute!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
one down, a million to go
As I said the other day, I dedicated today (Wednesday) as a cleaning day. Well, I actually didn't clean as much as I needed to...but rather am doing one or two things a day to keep me busy. For instance, today my goal was to vacuum and I accomplished it quite nicely. I also organized some drawers in my closet and changed the sheets....bonuses really. Tomorrow I will either tackle the shower or sweep and mop. Oh, and I must get to my DVR'd stuff...I have days worth of shows recorded and must watch them BEFORE school starts otherwise I'll never keep up with new seasons starting!!!! Ahhhhh!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Scan Scan Scan
So, as this was my first official day of vacation, I registered for baby stuff. I spent about 2 hours at target and then another 2 hours (at least) at various other online sites. I just love registering....not because I want people to buy us stuff...but because I feel so powerful with that little scanner in my hot little hands! Super, super fun!....And if anyone out there does not like registering, I would be more than happy to assist.
Today we saw the baby doctor too. He said our little girl is growing exactly at the rate she should be and everything looks really good. In about 3 weeks I go in for the glucose tolerance test. It's where you get to drink this oh so lovely (and super sweet) orange drink and then wait in the office for an hour to get your blood sugar tested. Imagine drinking an orange soda that has 5 times the sugar.....mmmmmm, so appetizing isn't it?!
Tomorrow I think I will do the dinner dishes from tonight and then return a few things at the mall. Afterwards, I might catch up on some DVR shows. I'm reserving Wednesday for cleaning....I'm so looking forward to it.
Today we saw the baby doctor too. He said our little girl is growing exactly at the rate she should be and everything looks really good. In about 3 weeks I go in for the glucose tolerance test. It's where you get to drink this oh so lovely (and super sweet) orange drink and then wait in the office for an hour to get your blood sugar tested. Imagine drinking an orange soda that has 5 times the sugar.....mmmmmm, so appetizing isn't it?!
Tomorrow I think I will do the dinner dishes from tonight and then return a few things at the mall. Afterwards, I might catch up on some DVR shows. I'm reserving Wednesday for cleaning....I'm so looking forward to it.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Smokey the Bear
We went to visit the B-Man and family and boy, oh boy was it smokey!!! We've had horrible fires around here and had to drive through them to get to the B-Man. It was so bad that you could barely see the river and in some parts, you could still see the flames burning. They say that the smoke could stay around till October, that is, if there aren't any new fires during the fire months...August and September.
Smoke and all, we still had a wonderful visit. We took Brady to this awesome park with a small water park (sprinklers and such). It was so fun to watch him play in the water! He also had a great time running all around and up and down the structures.
J and K had a super incredible surprise for us when we arrived. First, the door was covered with a HUGE banner that said "baby"....way cute! Then when we walked in the door, their dinning room table was COVERED with super cute baby gift bags......all for our little girl! They are always super sweet, caring, and thoughtful people...but this was even over the top!!! They picked out the cutest little girl clothes and practically tripled our little girl's wardrobe! We are so appreciative of all that they have done for us. Thank you guys!!!!!....Brady too!!
Smoke and all, we still had a wonderful visit. We took Brady to this awesome park with a small water park (sprinklers and such). It was so fun to watch him play in the water! He also had a great time running all around and up and down the structures.
J and K had a super incredible surprise for us when we arrived. First, the door was covered with a HUGE banner that said "baby"....way cute! Then when we walked in the door, their dinning room table was COVERED with super cute baby gift bags......all for our little girl! They are always super sweet, caring, and thoughtful people...but this was even over the top!!! They picked out the cutest little girl clothes and practically tripled our little girl's wardrobe! We are so appreciative of all that they have done for us. Thank you guys!!!!!....Brady too!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Cold A** BBQ!
Oh my goodness! We practically froze during our BBQ today! If the cold weather wasn't bad enough, we also had to put up with heavy mist and freezing cold winds! Thankfully, I convinced one of our people to make a coffee totally saved all of us and warmed our frozen bodies. However, the kids didn't seem to mind. Oh, and the hot dogs took a while longer to BBQ than expected so we didn't get back to school until 12:05 (school gets out at noon)! Tomorrow will be nice. It's PJ day and we are going to watch a movie and then have our prize drawings.....a very nice way to end summer school.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Give it a try!

So Dennis and I have tried a really great cream soda and root beer made with honey. We heard about it on Food Network and recently found it at our local co-op. If you haven't tried it should totally do so....or you can order it from
Oh, by the way, Steve (our hedge) got another hair cut today. It's not as bad as the last time, but still, we don't like it short. I ran over (or rather hobbled) to the neighbors to let them know we (all the neighbors) like Steve to be tall. They said they completely understood and weren't going to cut him that short....true, they didn't...but they still cut him!!!!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Chili Festival
Mmmmm....chili! Tonight Dennis and I went to a chili festival....actually, it was more like a chili cook-off. We got there just when they started so we were able to sample most of the chilies. We'd always talked about going in years past, but we just never got around to it. And now I'd have to say we'll make it an annual event for sure. It was a lot of fun (we met our friends there) and had our own little judging event after every sample. Some lacked flavor and some had way too much (cumin specifically). There was one that had either apple juice in it or apples.....I think that was one of Dennis's favorites. Then we tried this one cooked by the Allstate team that tasted pretty good, but the more you ate the spicier it got until you just couldn't eat anymore without tears streaming down your face....okay, I may have exaggerated that last part a bit, but it was pretty darn spicy! Unfortunately, the last one we tried had WAY too much liquid smoke and we were unable to finish it and all I could taste for the next 20 minutes was liquid smoke....eeewwwww. And imagine eating all this chili without something to drink! So while everyone was listening to the band (a pretty good one at that too), I was on a mission for something (anything) to drink. I found it about 2 blocks away at a little Mexican restaurant. I bought the biggest fountain drink possible!!!!....and gulped away until I couldn't gulp anymore! We had so much fun! I just can't wait for next year....although, in the fall we'll be heading to the apple festival!!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
We have power!
Several weeks ago, PG&E sent a letter saying the power would be out in various locations in our town from 5:30am to 4:00pm. To prepare, Dennis and I did laundry yesterday and planned to be out of the house most of the day. Well the power was turned off at about 6:45am and the house was eerily quiet. Without power I wasn't able to make the usual Sunday pancakes and cereal just didn't sound that great....however, we didn't leave the house until 10:30ish (empty stomach and all) and I wasn't very pleasant to be around. So we decided to check out a baby store 20 minutes away, but wouldn't you know was CLOSED.....but it was to open up at noon. So at 12:20(and after some much needed food) we headed back to the store....and it was still closed! we gave up and headed to our other destinations. Today felt like a marathon day of shopping!!!! We went to every baby section in all the stores we went to and checked out all the adorable girlie stuff. We got some pretty cute things...including some summer dresses for next year that daddy picked out :) At about 6pm we were completely exhausted!....and we just wanted to go home and have dinner. But when we walked in the door, we didn't hear any fish tank motors running or any flashing clocks!!! So I quickly put our refrigerated stuff in the fridge as fast as I possibly could and we decided to head back out (argh!) to find some dinner. Thankfully, when we returned (a little after 8pm and with 2 bags of ice for the fridge)the power had finally come back on!!! Woo hoo!!!! It was such a long day for both of us and we are just fact I'm having much difficulty typing I think I will head to bed now.
Good night.
Good night.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Journey to the Center of the Earth
So this movie is entirely in 3D! It's pretty cool and the theater we watched it in had stadium seating (it's been years since we've been to a theater like that). Our little girl must have enjoyed it too because she was kicking up a storm practically the whole time!
Next week is the last week of summer school! On Thursday we are going on a fieldtrip to the local park to have a BBQ and then on Friday we are having a movie and PJ party! Then the countdown really begins for back to school. I have so many things I need to do to get my room ready for next year! Way too much paper work to organize! Anyone have an industrial shredder to loan me?
Happy Friday!
Next week is the last week of summer school! On Thursday we are going on a fieldtrip to the local park to have a BBQ and then on Friday we are having a movie and PJ party! Then the countdown really begins for back to school. I have so many things I need to do to get my room ready for next year! Way too much paper work to organize! Anyone have an industrial shredder to loan me?
Happy Friday!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
It's A Girl!!!
Yup! We're having a healthy baby girl! We are so excited!...and the ultrasound tech was 100% sure that we're having a girl! I'd have to say close to 90% of people we talked to said we were having a boy, so for the past few weeks Dennis and I both started to think maybe we were having a it kinda came as a real shock to hear "It looks like your having a girl!" The whole right side of my face was soaked in tears (I was looking to the right you see) and I had to control myself so I wouldn't completely start sobbing away! We have some ultrasound pictures and as soon as we scan them, I'll post them. :)
A girl, a girl, a girl!
A girl, a girl, a girl!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Summer School
Before I dive into S.S., I must vent on how much I can't stand summer road construction! I'm totally over it! Last year it started the day after school got out and didn't stop until November! We were reduced to ONE lane on a busy freeway, which gets really, old really quickly. This year I thought "Hey, what could they possibly do?" Oh, the horror....and I thought the ONE lane was bad. For the last week of school and for the several weeks that followed, MY EXIT WAS CLOSED!!!!!!! So either I had the choice of taking the exit beforehand and going the back roads - or - I could take the exit past mine and loop back around on the freeway.....either option is annoying.....especially since I still have to work. So earlier this week I thought I was out of the woods....well, my on ramp was closed today! So, so, so annoying! I just wish it would be a band-aid....just rip off in one quick motion! Now that I have vented, I feel much better...thank you.
So, summer school. I have the most amazing class! They work sooooo quietly and are incredibly helpful....especially 2 of my fifth graders. They are more than willing to work with a younger student who is having trouble with their work. I'm just so thankful for them! I think today was only the 2nd time I had to ask them to quiet down during working time....that in itself (during summer school nonetheless) is amazing! Next week is out last week of summer school, and although I'm happy to begin my summer vacation, I will truly miss my class.
Until next time!
So, summer school. I have the most amazing class! They work sooooo quietly and are incredibly helpful....especially 2 of my fifth graders. They are more than willing to work with a younger student who is having trouble with their work. I'm just so thankful for them! I think today was only the 2nd time I had to ask them to quiet down during working time....that in itself (during summer school nonetheless) is amazing! Next week is out last week of summer school, and although I'm happy to begin my summer vacation, I will truly miss my class.
Until next time!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
20 Weeks
Here's the latest picture of my belly. I will be 22 weeks on Wednesday, which is the same day as my ultrasound!...we're super excited to see the baby! Yesterday was the first day a stranger asked me my due date. It was pretty neat, but she was a bit odd...nice, but odd. She said she had 4 kids and she looked my age...crazy!
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Dennis and I went to 2 different street fairs and had some really good food...rice with peanut sauce and plantains, meatball sandwich, and a BBQ tri-tip sandwich....ooooh not to mention the fabulous caramel apple! Since we had such a late lunch, Dennis ended up eating Cheerios for dinner and I had yogurt! We tried to watch our local fireworks, but they set them off really low so we couldn't see them....oh well. I absolutely love 3 day weekends! It so feels like Sunday, but it's totally still Saturday!!!'s awesome!
Oh, I got a really good beverage recipe from my Rachel Ray magazine. You take raspberries and blackberries and blend them up, add sugar to taste, and strain. Then fill a glass with ice, add club soda and pureed juice to taste, and viola'! It's pretty tasty I have to say...very simple, but tasty.
Well, I will try to post more often than I have been. I've been such a bad blogger!
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