I seriously can't believe Colton is 2 months old already! On Tuesday, Dennis and I took Colton in for his check-up and his first shots! He's growing very quickly and already measures 23 inches long and weighs 14lbs 7oz! Caitlin weighed only 10lbs 13oz at her 2 month check! We were unsure if Colton would be as good at getting his shots as Caitlin is. Turns out, he handles it pretty well. He definitely cried, but he was fine by the time we got him into his carseat. Thankfully, he never got a fever, but was a bit fussy and just wanted to be held. I ended up giving him Tylenol a few hours later which made him feel better. The next morning, he was his usual smiling self again.
Colton also has been sleeping well lately (except last night of course). He sleeps for about 5 hours the first run and then 2-3 the next stretch. The other night he slept for 7 hours straight! And then night before last, he only got up once!....at 4:30am!!! Last night was a different story and I don't know what was up with him. He slept fine until 1:30am and then he would scream and scream anytime I tried to put him back into his bassinet. As soon as I would pick him back up he'd stop and go right back to sleep. He just wanted to be held all night long.....great for him, but exhausting for me.
Dennis didn't have the greatest luck with Caitlin either. She was up quite a bit...either crying or playing in her room. Dennis has taken to falling asleep in her room if she gets up in the middle of the night. She got so used to him being there while we were in the hotel room in Gresham, it's been hard to break that habit. But last night he had taken Nyquil for his cold and woke up to find her Woody doll on a changing mat beside him and her stretched across his legs with her head facing his feet! Crazy girl!
Since today is Halloween, we will be heading to the mall to go trick or treating. There are several Halloween events going on around the area, but since Caitlin is suffering from a cough and runny nose and Dennis is recovering from a cold, I thought it best to keep everyone out of the cold and choose one inside event. I'm really exciting to watch Caitlin trick or treat....and to see her reaction to all the other kids!
I will post pictures as soon as I can. Oh, I also ended up making Colton's Toadstool costume! And now I will leave you with pumpkin carving pictures.
1 comment:
Hey!! Looks like you are having a great Halloween.... We need to get together. Maybe I can stop by one day this week. :-)
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