Thursday, June 3, 2010

So Proud!

This evening Caitlin went pee and poop on the potty!!!! I was so shocked and couldn't believe how excited and proud of her I was! Dennis has been putting her on the potty before her bath for a few months now and tonight I thought she might have to go, so I took off her diaper and viola'....she went! So of course she got really excited because we got excited and was clapping and clapping for her achievement. And then while Dennis was giving her a bath, I saw her showing off her skill of blowing bubbles in the bathtub! Dennis says she has done this before, but it was the first time I saw it. It was exciting and nerve racking at the same time! Daddy handles amazing and scary new feats WAY better than mommy!

We had a fabulous Memorial day weekend. On Saturday, we went to my cousin Clint's wedding. It was absolutely beautiful! All the cousins were there, which was really awesome. Also, my cousin Ryan's wife, Bryn, was there. Bryn is also pregnant and due a week after me....but there is a good chance that we could have the babies on the same day!!!! And dweebie me, didn't get a picture of our bellies! In fact, I didn't take a whole lot of pictures during this whole trip! I was just so into what was going on that I didn't even think about it until later. But I will always have the memories. Including those of watching my dad and Chi-Sai get there groove on! Super fun!

On Friday and Sunday night we stayed with J, K, B, and M. The kids had such a fun time playing together. In fact, Caitlin played non-stop for about 7 hours on Sunday! She was completely exhausted by the end of the day! The first photo on this post was taken just before her bedtime bath. She could barely stay awake in the tub! Thus, we all got a great night's sleep!

Thank you to all of my family for such a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Nancy Bergenske said...

Hey! Go Caitlyn!! I am glad you didn't take a picture of it (aka Kate style) Looks like you had fun at the wedding. Love the shot of your dad!