Yes, I realize it's been 13 days since I've posted. We've been quite busy around here and I'm trying to clean the house little by little. Although, I become extremely exhausted over the smallest tasks such as sweeping and mopping the kitchen!

On Sunday the 20th we headed to Vallejo to go to Sig Flags. Dennis and I used to go all the time, but haven't in several years. We stayed at the Merriot across the street which was perfectly awesome and convenient! To say the least, Caitlin (and us) had a blast! We took the BOB stroller and she
maybe spent a total of 10 minutes in it! She walked the entire park with us! If you haven't been to Six Flags, you should really check it out. It has a perfect combination of roller coasters and animals. It also has some water areas and a great place for little ones in the Looney Tunes area. Caitlin's first ride was the swings which she really liked and brought me to tears (thanks pregnancy hormones!). I was only able to go on one ride (Thomas the Train) and happily escorted her on the rest. She was definitely in her comfort zone and will be a future coaster rider like her mommy and daddy. Because our hotel was right across the street, we were able to leave around 1pm so we could take naps and then we headed right back over to continue our adventure. I actually did really well considering it was MUCH warmer than we're use to and all the walking we did. Walking at Caitlin's pace helped a lot I think. Plus, that day was the first day I had to start giving myself insulin shots before lunch. It was quite an experience giving myself a shot in a public restroom!

We left the park around 7:30pm (much to Caitlin's disappointment as she screamed about halfway to the hotel in the BOB). Once back in our room, we all put on our swimsuits and headed to the pool. We had taken Caitlin for her first swim earlier that morning and this time she seemed to take to it even more by splashing and splashing us at every chance she had. Since it was an outdoor pool and a bit on the chilly side, we didn't stay long, but headed to the hot tub to warm up. With Caitlin and I sitting on the edge with our feet in the super warm water, Dennis was able to relax fully emerged in the inviting water.....needless to say, I was a bit jealous! :)

We all had a great night sleep and headed home on Tuesday. Caitlin did really well on the trip back and we stopped and had a great picnic lunch at a really nice rest stop. We were all glad to be home, but really, really enjoyed our trip too!
How fun! Don't over do it :) each pregnancy takes a little more out of you. Hope all is well.
Wow, what a fun trip!!!
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