Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Big Girl Bed

The night we got back from Six Flags was the first night Caitlin slept in her big girl bed! I wasn't really ready for it and was trying to make the excuse that we were all out of our routine and we all deserved one good night of sleep. Well, Dennis threw that argument back at me saying it was the perfect time because she WAS out of her normal routine. With an argument like that, I just couldn't refuse. He made perfect sense!

It's been going pretty well and she's mostly sleeping through the night....unless she rolls off the bed, which has happened twice (she's a major tosser and turner like her mommy!). Thankfully, she wasn't injured either time, just pretty confused. But now she has learned she can crawl out of bed really easily and come looking for us if she doesn't want to go to sleep. This has been fun. I've been trying the method where I sit on the end of the bed without looking at her and then as the days pass, I move closer to the door. Last night I sat in the rocking chair which seemed to work, until I got too uncomfortable and left the room. This was not a good choice on my part, but 40 minutes later, she was finally asleep.

Tonight, I hope it goes a wee bit better. I actually just left her room only after a minute in the rocking chair! I think she's pretty tired tonight, plus Buzz Lightyear was blocking her sight of me!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

13 days

Yes, I realize it's been 13 days since I've posted. We've been quite busy around here and I'm trying to clean the house little by little. Although, I become extremely exhausted over the smallest tasks such as sweeping and mopping the kitchen!

On Sunday the 20th we headed to Vallejo to go to Sig Flags. Dennis and I used to go all the time, but haven't in several years. We stayed at the Merriot across the street which was perfectly awesome and convenient! To say the least, Caitlin (and us) had a blast! We took the BOB stroller and she maybe spent a total of 10 minutes in it! She walked the entire park with us! If you haven't been to Six Flags, you should really check it out. It has a perfect combination of roller coasters and animals. It also has some water areas and a great place for little ones in the Looney Tunes area. Caitlin's first ride was the swings which she really liked and brought me to tears (thanks pregnancy hormones!). I was only able to go on one ride (Thomas the Train) and happily escorted her on the rest. She was definitely in her comfort zone and will be a future coaster rider like her mommy and daddy. Because our hotel was right across the street, we were able to leave around 1pm so we could take naps and then we headed right back over to continue our adventure. I actually did really well considering it was MUCH warmer than we're use to and all the walking we did. Walking at Caitlin's pace helped a lot I think. Plus, that day was the first day I had to start giving myself insulin shots before lunch. It was quite an experience giving myself a shot in a public restroom!

We left the park around 7:30pm (much to Caitlin's disappointment as she screamed about halfway to the hotel in the BOB). Once back in our room, we all put on our swimsuits and headed to the pool. We had taken Caitlin for her first swim earlier that morning and this time she seemed to take to it even more by splashing and splashing us at every chance she had. Since it was an outdoor pool and a bit on the chilly side, we didn't stay long, but headed to the hot tub to warm up. With Caitlin and I sitting on the edge with our feet in the super warm water, Dennis was able to relax fully emerged in the inviting water.....needless to say, I was a bit jealous! :)

We all had a great night sleep and headed home on Tuesday. Caitlin did really well on the trip back and we stopped and had a great picnic lunch at a really nice rest stop. We were all glad to be home, but really, really enjoyed our trip too!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Today I started my insulin injections. Instead of a syringe and bottle of insulin, like I used last time, I now have insulin filled pens. These are a bit more complicated to understand how to use a first, but once you figure it out, it is a LOT faster and easier. I'm starting out taking shots before breakfast and before dinner. I'm taking a minimal dose of 1 unit per 15 grams of carbohydrates. Fun, fun.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

27 weeks

The top picture shows my belly at 27 weeks with Caitlin and the bottom picture is 27 weeks this time. Quite a difference I'd say!

So Friday night I began my GD diet. Last time I tried to make all sorts of new stuff from diabetic cookbooks, but then I realized it was much easier to alter the stuff we eat normally. And because hamburgers have so much protein and the carbs are only in the bun, I get to eat them pretty often...mmmmm. So tonight I made some really good BBQ burgers and Caitlin and Dennis had tater tots, while I had strawberries and blueberries. Still (without meds) my sugars were too high an hour later. :( Tomorrow, it's eggs and berries for breakfast...mmmm.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

19 Months

On the 4th, Caitlin turned 19 months old! The next day, we bought her a new bedding set and moved her double bed into her new room! The room isn't entirely ready yet, but within the next week or so, we will start the transition from crib to big girl bed! Thankfully, she really does like this bed (especially when mommy or daddy lays down with her!).

After I took her 19 month pictures, she discovered the microphone on the floor from Rock Band. I didn't realize that she knew what it was for! She immediately starting singing! It was so sweet!

And it's official....I have gestational diabetes (GD) yet again. Although, this news did not come as a shock to us. I've noticed my sugars gradually increasing over the weeks. I'm just glad I don't have to go through the 3 hour glucose test! Yuck! Tomorrow I should hear from the diabetic nutritionist to set up the first of many appointments and to decide which medication to put me on....glyburide or insulin. Insulin worked much better last time, but all those shots get really annoying. So I guess the lunch I had today was my last hurrah. It was homemade sweet and sour chicken which I love....and I don't think I could have picked a better last lunch. Also, I had cake an hour before that because my wonderful first grade class and co-teacher threw me a surprise baby shower. I pretty much cried the whole time I was there listening to all the letters the students wrote to me telling me what I should teach the baby. They were all so sweet and hilarious! The letters ranged from teaching him how to walk and talk, to potty training! I just loved every minute of it! Thank you!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

So Proud!

This evening Caitlin went pee and poop on the potty!!!! I was so shocked and couldn't believe how excited and proud of her I was! Dennis has been putting her on the potty before her bath for a few months now and tonight I thought she might have to go, so I took off her diaper and viola'....she went! So of course she got really excited because we got excited and was clapping and clapping for her achievement. And then while Dennis was giving her a bath, I saw her showing off her skill of blowing bubbles in the bathtub! Dennis says she has done this before, but it was the first time I saw it. It was exciting and nerve racking at the same time! Daddy handles amazing and scary new feats WAY better than mommy!

We had a fabulous Memorial day weekend. On Saturday, we went to my cousin Clint's wedding. It was absolutely beautiful! All the cousins were there, which was really awesome. Also, my cousin Ryan's wife, Bryn, was there. Bryn is also pregnant and due a week after me....but there is a good chance that we could have the babies on the same day!!!! And dweebie me, didn't get a picture of our bellies! In fact, I didn't take a whole lot of pictures during this whole trip! I was just so into what was going on that I didn't even think about it until later. But I will always have the memories. Including those of watching my dad and Chi-Sai get there groove on! Super fun!

On Friday and Sunday night we stayed with J, K, B, and M. The kids had such a fun time playing together. In fact, Caitlin played non-stop for about 7 hours on Sunday! She was completely exhausted by the end of the day! The first photo on this post was taken just before her bedtime bath. She could barely stay awake in the tub! Thus, we all got a great night's sleep!

Thank you to all of my family for such a wonderful weekend!