The night we got back from Six Flags was the first night Caitlin slept in her big girl bed! I wasn't really ready for it and was trying to make the excuse that we were all out of our routine and we all deserved one good night of sleep. Well, Dennis threw that argument back at me saying it was the perfect time because she WAS out of her normal routine. With an argument like that, I just couldn't refuse. He made perfect sense!
It's been going pretty well and she's mostly sleeping through the night....unless she rolls off the bed, which has happened twice (she's a major tosser and turner like her mommy!). Thankfully, she wasn't injured either time, just pretty confused. But now she has learned she can crawl out of bed really easily and come looking for us if she doesn't want to go to sleep. This has been fun. I've been trying the method where I sit on the end of the bed without looking at her and then as the days pass, I move closer to the door. Last night I sat in the rocking chair which seemed to work, until I got too uncomfortable and left the room. This was not a good choice on my part, but 40 minutes later, she was finally asleep.
Tonight, I hope it goes a wee bit better. I actually just left her room only after a minute in the rocking chair! I think she's pretty tired tonight, plus Buzz Lightyear was blocking her sight of me!