On Tuesday, Caitlin turned 18 months! Time is just flying by! She now has discovered twirling and it is completely hysterical to watch! Thursday she went in for her 18 month checkup and finally reached the 8th percentile for her weight! Although, Dennis thinks it was because she ate just before we arrived! She weighed 20lbs 14oz and is 30 inches tall. This time around, she was very social with the doctor and kept waving hello and chatting up a storm. The doc was impressed with Caitlin's sleeping habits and said we were very lucky. We told her it took many long nights of crying and persistence to get things that way (I just hope we'll be able to do that again with our boy). Caitlin ended up getting 4 shots and pretty much stopped crying once the nurse had finished. I brought her blanket this time to help comfort her....and with her daddy cuddling with her right after, she felt much better. I thought for sure she'd have a rough evening or at least not sleep well, but I was happily mistaken. It was like she didn't have shots at all! Woo hoo!!!!
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