Dennis fixed it! I can't remember what exactly he did, but I think it was a pretty easy fix. Now I can finally upload the picture of my ENORMOUS belly at 24 weeks! We (well, mostly Dennis and Caitlin) have been hanging out outside these last few weeks. Caitlin has really taken to the strawberry garden and will happily occupy herself by eating strawberries and/or dirt for the longest time. And when it's time to go in, she definitely makes it known she would prefer to stay out.
She said a new word tonight...cookie. I had taken one out of the cookie jar and set it on the table. Then I picked her up and she immediately spied it and kept on pointing and saying cookie, cookie, cookie. It was so blasted cute I couldn't resist letting her have a bite! Well, actually, she held it while I ate most of it. She's great at sharing food that way......and I wonder why Dennis catches all her colds? Hehehe.
And now I leave you with some new photos.

24 weeks

Eating strawberries in our not so warm weather.

Um, Dennis? What did you put in her hand? My nerves are glad you let me sleep in on weekends.

This is what happens when Caitlin gives a pen to daddy and then it gets REALLY quite for the next few minutes.