Tuesday, May 25, 2010

All fixed!

Dennis fixed it! I can't remember what exactly he did, but I think it was a pretty easy fix. Now I can finally upload the picture of my ENORMOUS belly at 24 weeks! We (well, mostly Dennis and Caitlin) have been hanging out outside these last few weeks. Caitlin has really taken to the strawberry garden and will happily occupy herself by eating strawberries and/or dirt for the longest time. And when it's time to go in, she definitely makes it known she would prefer to stay out.

She said a new word tonight...cookie. I had taken one out of the cookie jar and set it on the table. Then I picked her up and she immediately spied it and kept on pointing and saying cookie, cookie, cookie. It was so blasted cute I couldn't resist letting her have a bite! Well, actually, she held it while I ate most of it. She's great at sharing food that way......and I wonder why Dennis catches all her colds? Hehehe.

And now I leave you with some new photos.

24 weeks

Eating strawberries in our not so warm weather.

Um, Dennis? What did you put in her hand? My nerves are glad you let me sleep in on weekends.

This is what happens when Caitlin gives a pen to daddy and then it gets REALLY quite for the next few minutes.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I can't upload!

Caitlin's new quad!

For some strange reason, I cannot upload new photos from my camera to my computer!!!!! Dennis is napping so I need to wait until he gets up.....aarrgghhh!!! Frustrating!

Today we have sunshine! And I'm sure once Caitlin and Dennis wake up from their naps, they'll head outside for some garden fun. Caitlin officially has outside clothes. It's amazing how fast strawberry juice stains!....even with Spray n Wash!

And (drum roll please) Dennis and I have decided on a name! We're also working on getting Caitlin to say it along with brother....both are equally adorable. She also said pizza for the first time on Friday which sounded like "za za."

Alright, I must change into sweatpants. The boy is protesting my jeans by persistently kicking me. Sometimes it feels there is more than one baby in there because he moves so much!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


So Dennis was taking a look at my belly photos of Caitlin and then comparing them to the same week of this pregnancy. All I can say is WOW! It's shocking to see the difference! My belly is way more out there than it was with Caitlin. I mean, I felt bigger than last time, but when you put the pictures side by side it's like HOLY COW!

22 weeks with Caitlin

22 weeks with the baby boy

I had a check up today and everything is going just fine. The baby's heart rate is 150 and the doc found it the first time he plopped the thingy on my belly....no need to move it around. Although, I think I noticed some swelling in my legs. I was on my feet quite a bit more today, so that may have something to do with it.

Oh, and the crappiest thing about today.....I lost the middle diamond out of my wedding ring! I had it after lunch and then noticed it was missing around 2pm. My principal and two custodians were looking for it.....and that included taking apart the pipes in the bathroom sink! And we never found it. Dennis bought me that ring when he was in high school, so it is such a bummer it's gone! :(

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wacky Child

Caitlin was in a wacky mood after dinner tonight. She was chattering non-stop and carrying two blankets around with her. Then she'd cover her head with one of them and start walking around! And since the stroller was in the living room, she found it to be a perfect fort. She spent most of her time underneath it just laughing and talking to herself! I thought for sure she would have been worn out today since she spent a lot of her energy running around the Coast Guard housing yard sale. But apparently, with a good nap, she can be recharged twice over! Plus she spent about 2 hours outside with Dennis while he redid our sprinklers and she played in the dirt and with the cat.

That girl is such a crack up!

18 Months

On Tuesday, Caitlin turned 18 months! Time is just flying by! She now has discovered twirling and it is completely hysterical to watch! Thursday she went in for her 18 month checkup and finally reached the 8th percentile for her weight! Although, Dennis thinks it was because she ate just before we arrived! She weighed 20lbs 14oz and is 30 inches tall. This time around, she was very social with the doctor and kept waving hello and chatting up a storm. The doc was impressed with Caitlin's sleeping habits and said we were very lucky. We told her it took many long nights of crying and persistence to get things that way (I just hope we'll be able to do that again with our boy). Caitlin ended up getting 4 shots and pretty much stopped crying once the nurse had finished. I brought her blanket this time to help comfort her....and with her daddy cuddling with her right after, she felt much better. I thought for sure she'd have a rough evening or at least not sleep well, but I was happily mistaken. It was like she didn't have shots at all! Woo hoo!!!!

Ultrasound Pics

Here is an ultrasound of our little boy at 20 weeks and 4 days. His one hand is by the side of his head and the other is covering his face. We only received two pictures and they were both very similar. The ultrasound tech kept trying to get a profile pic, but he wouldn't cooperate.....maybe next time.

My belly is definitely bigger this time than last as it is becoming difficult to do simple tasks such as putting on socks and shoes. We still haven't decided on a name and I'm hoping we can decide within the next few weeks. It feels weird knowing we're having a boy and not knowing his name yet. With Caitlin we started calling her by name the second we left the ultrasound, so this is new territory for us.

And here is my belly at 22 weeks: