Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Corn Dogs, Curly Fries, and Caramel Apples

If you hadn't guessed it already, our fair started today and these were the foods that I was craving (actually I crave them most of the time, pregnant or not). Unfortunately, this fair is rather on the sad side and thank goodness we went today because we got in free....otherwise it would have been a ridiculous $10 each! The food was all that I had hoped for, although, I'm saving the caramel apple for dessert later....mmmmmmm.

Summer school has begun and I'm very thankful we get out at noon. My students are working very hard and are extremely quiet! I'm totally not used to that! I think they may spoil me! I have a wonderful class with quite a few kids enrolled. In fact, every grade level has a higher enrollment than last year....especially junior high...their numbers doubled this year compared to last year!

So Dennis planted a garden last weekend...he's such a hard worker...and oh so cute! Anyway, he planted corn, tomatoes, lettuce, chives, cilantro (yuck), watermelon, cantaloupe, another blueberry bush, and zucchini. I hope they all grow well...we'll just have to wait and see.

Baby is kicking quite a bit now. I'm 20 weeks today (half way there) and my next ultrasound is July 9th. I have a belly picture to post, but it is locked away in my camera as I have been too lazy to transfer them to the computer. I've really got to get on that. Oh, and the majority of people we've talked to say they think I'm having a we'll see!

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your garden! Have you planted the same stuff before? Let me know how the corn and melons do in the Humboldt fog.

Jenai said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!... That is WAY adorable! You look SO fantastic. I pulled Jaime over here to see, and he giggled a lot and said, "Good for her!!!" :D We're just so happy for you two! YAY!!!

(psst... tomorrow!... eeeeee!)