The other day Dennis decided that it was time to sit Caitlin on the potty every time before she takes a bath. The first night it was hilarious! We don't have a potty seat yet and she's so tiny so that made her very unstable. Now she tries to climb up on her own, even though she can barely get her foot up! Then last night she wanted a book to read while on the potty!! Too funny!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Potty Time
The other day Dennis decided that it was time to sit Caitlin on the potty every time before she takes a bath. The first night it was hilarious! We don't have a potty seat yet and she's so tiny so that made her very unstable. Now she tries to climb up on her own, even though she can barely get her foot up! Then last night she wanted a book to read while on the potty!! Too funny!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Will she still do this in 10 years?
Caitlin LOVES to help her daddy rinse dishes.....and she's actually pretty good at it. After she rinses the dish she will actually put it on the drying rack and then grab something else! Tonight she rinsed the top of her sippy cup and then rinsed her cup, tried to screw them together, and then proceeded to drink from it. It was so funny, cute, and amazing all at the same time!!!! Then daddy washed a knife and it was time to leave the rest of the rinsing to daddy. Caitlin was NOT at all happy about this and wailed all the way down the hall and practically all through her diaper change. If it wasn't for Black Eyed Peas, I think she would have cried the whole time!!!
We have had pretty good weather here recently and Caitlin has come to appreciate the outside. And one of our cats has thoroughly enjoyed her trips outside as well. They have become fast friends no matter how often Caitlin pulls, tugs, or sits on him. It seems he likes her more because of those things! Crazy cat!
Today I got some major things accomplished in preparations for Open House on April 1st. I had my students write animal reports (which are super cute) and I needed to print out their tile pages and typed reports. I just need to assemble, bind them together, and they'll be done! I'm totally on schedule that that makes me VERY happy! Oh, but I did get one shock today. I'd been thinking (for some crazy idiotic reason) that our Spring clean up is next week...even though it says March 26th everywhere! Today I realized it's this Friday and began to panic. I haven't had to attend in my past years because I didn't work Fridays. Now I'm in a panic of unknown and am freaking out! Okay, maybe I'm being a little dramatic. I need to just go with the flow (ha!) and it'll all work out. But, I think I should be okay :)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
So, I thought I'd get better at blogging once everyone knew I was pregnant again. But between "all day sickness" and being exhausted, I think I've gotten worse. I'll try to be better, but if I can post once a week, that'll be an improvement I can live with. Alright, so here it is.
Caitlin came down with the flu and double ear infections week before last. It was really sad because she was soooo lethargic for 3 days, but at the same time, it was so nice to snuggle with her for so long.
Bill and Sarah just bought there first house yesterday and their escrow closes in 29 days!!! We're very excited and I can't wait to see the house!
My school is receiving the Distinguished School award because we showed evidence of closing the gap between the "white" sub group and the "socio-economical disadvantaged" subgroup on the STAR test. The two programs that helped to achieve this was our EL program with our bilingual aide that serves as a liaison between EL parents and our school (among other things) and my Title 1 program that serves students performing below grade level. Ironically, due to budget cuts, my Title 1 program is being cut next year and I will be losing my job. I've come to terms with this and I'm handling it better than I thought.......although, I'm waiting for the day I have a complete breakdown. I doubt it will happen, but it's still in the back of my mind. It'll all work out....somehow or another.
Now it's time for me to find something to nibble on....before I get too queasy.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Identical Twins!
Not me, but my brother and girlfriend!!!!!!!! We're sooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!! My brother called yesterday and I just KNEW he had something important to say, but I wasn't expecting TWINS!!!! Oh, the family is just overjoyed with this news! Sarah is due October 21st....a little over a month past me. It's been super fun talking about all our morning sickness and odd pregnancy stuff. I think my parents are still in shock. One more grandchild was exciting, but 3 more within a month of each other? It's mind boggling! Not only that, but if you remember, my cousin is expecting their second child in September too! That's as total of 4 more great grandchildren for my Nana! I can't wait until we all get together for my cousin's wedding in May to compare bellies!!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday Brady
The B-man turns THREE today!!!!! We went over this last weekend to his birthday party and it was a blast! Then we went to dinner at Chucky Cheese. The pizza was blah, but the experience was really great. Caitlin had a blast riding all the little cars and drinking out of her own big girl cup.
We then headed up to my dad's house for the night. It was super cute to watch my dad and Chi-Sai with Caitlin. And Caitlin kept smiling her huge "nose" smile, as my dad likes to call it, and was trying really hard to get it on film....I'm not sure if he did though. Sunday we left for home a little after 9am and Caitlin was asleep before we got to the end of the driveway.....that should have been our first clue something was off with her. We stopped several times during the trip but during the 5 hours of driving time, Caitlin slept most of them. When we got her home she had a 101.8 temp. She slept on and off the rest of the night and into the morning and she's been super lethargic ever since. She just can't stay vertical. She plays for a few minutes and then just lays back down. Then yesterday she started vomiting. So we took her into the doctor's office tonight and learned she's lost 1lb 2oz since her last visit a few weeks ago, plus she has the flu and double ear infections! Poor baby. I'm staying home with her again tomorrow and then Dennis will finish out the rest of the week with her. I really hope the antibiotics start working really quickly!
She wanted to watch Dennis do dishes, but the tile must have been too she crawled her way into the hall and fell asleep. Poor girl!
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