Saturday morning started off with Colton sleeping in and me getting up an hour late to start our yard sale! It was the one time I actually didn't set my alarm clock because I was sure Colton would wake up at his normal 6:30am time....and I was so wrong! Dennis came in at 7:30 and asked when I was getting up. Panicked, I dressed as fast as I could and rushed to the garage to start putting out all of our stuff. At that point, I was SO happy we weren't starting until 8:30!
Our neighbors were also having a yard sale and had lots of furniture for sale. Well, those people interested in furniture, are not the same ones who are interested in baby clothes. I started cleaning up our sale a little after 11am and put about 90% of our stuff along our fence with a big 'ol FREE sign above it. Turns out, that was a pretty good tactic. When I got back form a movie a few hours later, a lot of our stuff was gone!
But here is the funniest thing of all, as I was leaving for the movies, I saw a lady with a whole pile of shirts slung over her shoulder. Perfect, I thought. Someone is benefiting from all these free clothes. Then I saw her turn the corner and go to her house down the street and put them in HER yard sale! WHO DOES THAT?! I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I wasn't mad at all, I was in more of a state of shock at the b@ll$ on this lady! In the end, she probably needed the money more than we did and as long as she didn't bring them back, I didn't care.
And with all our leftover stuff, I will be donating it. We still have so much girl clothing left that I'm really hoping my friend finds out she's having a girl so I can give it ALL to her...hehehehehe!