My apologies to grandpa and grandma. In my last post (a gazillion years ago), mommy brain took over and I neglected to write about my parents coming over for Colton's birth. It was so nice to have them over for several days just to hang out. When Caitlin was born, they just made it as I began pushing, but this time (since my labor was so quick) they arrived a few hours after Colton was born. Caitlin certainly had a fabulous time playing with grandpa and grandma....especially outside. She showed them the garden and how she LOVES to eat the strawberries (no matter their color). It was very nice having them and my sister watch Caitlin and Colton while Dennis and I napped during the first days of bringing Colton home. They were definitely missed when they left and I feel awful that I didn't write about this the first time. But I'm sure this will not be the last time mommy brain takes over and kidnaps my memory!
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